We store some books in the room of the Fachschaft which might help you with your studies. A larger collection of literature is accessible in the library of the university. On their internet page https://katalog.ub.uni-paderborn.de/ , you can search for books. Some of them are also available as digital version, this is indicated at the particular book with "Direkt zur Online-Ressource". The Fachschaft Chemistry also has a very large collection of books which are related to chemistry and physics. The books we store in our Fachschaft room are:
1) A. Goldschmidt, H.-J. Streitberger, BASF-Handbuch Lackiertechnik, Vincentz Verlag, Hanover, 2002.
2) B. Müller, U. Poth, Lackformulierung und Lackrezeptur , 3rd revised edition, Vincentz Network, Hanover, 2009.
3) U. Poth, Autolacke formulieren, Vincentz Network, Hanover, 2007.
4) U. Poth, Polyester und Alkydharze, Vincentz Network, Hanover, 2005.
5) U. Poth, R. Schwalm, M. Schwartz, Acrylic Resins, Vincentz Network, Hanover, 2011.
6) Y. Huang, J. Zhang (Eds.), Materials Corrosion and Protection, Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston, 2018.