Fachschaft Materials Science

Welcome to the homepage of the Fachschaft Materials Science of the University Paderborn! We will provide you here with help and information, especially if you are new to the study program. We will also keep you up to date with any upcoming events like the yearly election of the Fachschaftsrat.
Students who are interested in participating in a committee can contact us and are highly appreciated!

Information to New students

If you are new to the study program, we will inform you here about your orientation week. You will get information about the program, time, and place in a schedule.

For the new students in the winter semester 2023/24, there is a presence day during the orientation week on 4th October 2023. Please pay attention to the information provided on the page of the university.

We will meet in front of the Auditorium Maximum (Audimax) at 9.45 a.m. on the university campus. Seminar rooms for freshmen intro sessions are booked from 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. at Room N 5.101 (N-Building) and from 11:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. at Room NW 1.854 (NW-Building). If you miss the Audimax meet-up, please head directly to these rooms. Here is a schedule for the day.

If you come by train or bus, you can get your student ticket online. Instructions can be found here:

There will be first information about the university, the regulations of the Materials Science course, a short tutorial on how to register for lectures and exams and a university tour. In case of having lunch together, you can consider bringing a box for the meal and cutlery. For the course registration, you will need to use the university platform PAUL. Therefore, you should unlock your access to PAUL early enough before the meeting, so you can directly follow the tutorial on your own PC. The necessary information to unlock your access to PAUL are provided by the university after your matriculation. If you cannot access PAUL, you should contact the IMT support.

We encourage you to also inform yourself about the examination regulations of the course:

You can also read about the most important aspects in the presentation: BSc_Matwiss_Presentation_2023 (B.Sc. Materialwissenschaften), O_Presentation_2023 (M.Sc. Materials Science). For more information, feel free to browse through this homepage!

If you have any questions that can't wait until O-week, contact us via: fachschaft-material-science@lists.uni-paderborn.de

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