Fachschaft Materials Science

Welcome to the homepage of the Fachschaft Materials Science of the University Paderborn! We will provide you here with help and information, especially if you are new to the study program. We will also keep you up to date with any upcoming events like the yearly election of the Fachschaftsrat.
Students who are interested in participating in a committee can contact us and are highly appreciated!


Beside your studies, you have the possibility to work in the working group of the professors. Any of the groups in the field of chemistry, physics, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering should have adequate topics to work on. You can inform yourself on these internet pages of the university:

Mechanical engineering
Electrical engineering

The lectures will also give you some idea of the working groups. You can ask the PhD students or write emails to the professors whether there are any open positions. Maybe there are already information on the internet pages about open positions.

Open positions on university homepage

For more jobs, we recommend to contact the professors.

For further jobs outside the university or after your studies, please check:

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