Fachschaft Materials Science

Welcome to the homepage of the Fachschaft Materials Science of the University Paderborn! We will provide you here with help and information, especially if you are new to the study program. We will also keep you up to date with any upcoming events like the yearly election of the Fachschaftsrat.
Students who are interested in participating in a committee can contact us and are highly appreciated!

University Politics

If you are interested in participating in the university politics, you have the possibility to be a member of different committees related to Materials Science. It is recommended to speak German. Further information can be found here: https://stupa.uni-paderborn.de/wahlen/

Student body representation/Fachschaftsvertretung Natural Sciences:

The Fachschaftsvertretung is elected yearly by the students of the faculty of Natural Sciences. The executive body (called "Fachschaftsausschuss", FSA) consists of a chairman, deputy chairman and a cashier. The FSA changes from year to year from the Fachschaften Chemie, Physik, Ernährungslehre, Sport and Materials Science. So, every five years members from our Fachschaft will do this job. The members of the Fachschaftsvertretung are elected in the elections of the student parliament of the university. These elections take place in June or July and are announced via Email to every student. The FSV meets once in a year in August. The chairman has the job to lead the meeting and makes sure that it is protocolled. The cashier gives an overview of the finances of the FSV.

Department directorate chemistry (Departmentvorstand Chemie):

This commission consists of the professors and teachers of the department chemistry, the academic council and three student members which each are a student of chemistry, chemistry lectureship (Lehramt Chemie) and Materials Science. The election takes place yearly in the plenary meeting of the department chemistry. Term of office is starting typically in October. In the monthly meetings, they talk about topics like finances, study matters, allocation of open professorships and research related issues. Some of the information might be interesting to hear, especially because they can be obtained before it is public.

Exam commission Materials Science (Prüfungskommission/Prüfungsausschuss Materials Science):

Two students of the Materials Science program are needed as representatives in the exam commission. There you get some information concerning the study program. The meetings are once every three months. The commission debates about concerns of students regarding the exams, changes/additions in the examination regulation (Prüfungsordnung) and about students who want to study Materials Science at UPB but have problems with the language and registration. Term of office is one year.

Institut für Leichtbau mit Hybridsystemen ( ILH ):

It is a collaboration of working groups in chemistry, physics and mechanical engineering. It also has a directorate which is constituted by the professors, some non-scientific members and also a student member. The term of office is one year, starting in October. In the past, the student member was exclusively from mechanical engineering, but it is desired to swap between the divisions. We belong to the department chemistry and fit well to the ILH so that we can also provide a member at some time.

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