kfd -Katholische Frauengemeinschaft Deutschlands/ Paderborn (e)

kfd -Katholische Frauengemeinschaft Deutschlands/ Paderborn (e)

Information about this organization

1) aim of the association kfd

kfd Bild 1

The kfd (Catholic women union Germany) is the biggest women union in Germany and consists of 500.000 members. The diocese of paderborn has already 110.000 members. The union is as multifarious as the interests of the women in this association:

Women.Power.Consumption: We already campaign for climate protection and fair, non-violent and sustainable living and working conditions for decades. The „kfd-climat protection package“ comprises booklets under the motto „kfd is consuming climat friendly“ with the following topics: Mobilitycelebrate, clothingbalanced dietfinancial investments, build and stay.  Furtheron we offer news server and workshops with the subjects „Fairer trade“, „Consumption and sustainability“.
Women.Power.Working World: 
We promote the cooperation of generations and advocate gender equity and fairness in working life/ gainful employment, reconciliation of work and family life. Women earn in the average 22% less than men. We are taking part in campaigns like the Equal Pay Day for example and are lobbying for employed women.
Women.Power.Church: We breathe some fresh air into the church and encourage women in every day life situations. The major authorities in the catholic church are still occupied by men. We ask for fair participation of women in church and society. Further we act oecumenical and are interested in exchanges with women from other confessions.

2) Be part of kfd:

You can join the kfd for example by becoming a single member of the kfd-Diözesanverband. The single membership costs 26,50 € once every year. You will find further information, declaration of accession or the online-possibility for registration at: kfd-Mitglied werden.

You are also welcome to get to know the kfd union by visiting activities without membership. We are looking forward to exciting exchanges!

3) Expectations:

fun and interest in our topics!

Comprehension in English language depends on the field of action.

4) Specials/ pros:

  • Invitation to interesting, female specific events with political, churchy and social contents

  • The possibility to meet and exchange with other women

  • culturtandems

  • the participation in projects (such as Service Learning)

5) Contact:

Kfd-Diözesanverband Paderborn e.V.
 Kfd Logo2
Andrea Schütt
Telefon: 05251-54392-18)
Giersmauer 21, 33098 Paderborn



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