Modulhandbuch (Module manual)

M.184.5335 Real-World Machine Learning Projects
(Real-World Machine Learning Projects)
Koordinator (coordinator): Prof. Dr. Oliver Müller
Ansprechpartner (contact): Prof. Dr. Oliver Müller (oliver.mueller[at]
Credits: 10 ECTS
Workload: 300 Std (h)
Semesterturnus (semester cycle): SoSe
Studiensemester (study semester): 1-4
Dauer in Semestern (duration in semesters): 1
Lehrveranstaltungen (courses):
Zur Zeit sind keine Lehrveranstaltungen bekannt. (No courses are known.)
Wahlmöglichkeiten innerhalb des Moduls (Options within the module):
Empfohlene Voraussetzungen (prerequisites):

​Profound knowledge in the field of machine learning (e.g. course „Data Science for Business“) and advanced programming skills (Python)​.

Inhalte (short description):

​In research and academia, we often build machine learning (ML) models without embedding them in real-world applications or deploying them in production. Designing productive ML systems is both complex and unique. ML systems are complex because they consist of many components (e.g., big data, deep learning algorithms, high-performance computing infrastructure, interactive user interfaces) and involve many stakeholders (e.g., data scientists, managers, users). ML systems are unique because they are custom-built to solve a specific task (e.g., predict the probability that a customer will churn) and depend on proprietary data (e.g., behavioral data and transaction histories of a company’s customers). In this project-based module, students will learn how to develop, deploy, operate, monitor, and improve ML systems that solve real-world problems. As part of the projects, they will collaborate with external stakeholders (i.e., companies and research projects) to understand their business problems, gather and analyze requirements, and collect feedback.

Lectures take place regularly during the lecture period, the module ends with the submission of the term paper and subsequent presentation after the lecture period.​

Lernergebnisse (learning outcomes):
Fachkompetenz Wissen (professional expertise):
  • understand the unique characteristics of ML systems (e.g., compared to traditional software)
  • are aware of the challenges of developing and operation ML systems (e.g., collecting/generating training data, evaluating and monitoring predictive accuracy, detecting and handling data distribution shifts)
  • know project management approaches for developing and operating ML systems (e.g., project phases, tasks, team roles)
  • Fachkompetenz Fertigkeit (practical professional and academic skills):
  • are able to do data and feature engineering on real-world data
  • are able to design and train ML models that solve real-world problems
  • are able to deploy and operate ML systems in the cloud (incl. storage, compute, user interface)
  • are able to monitor and continously improve the performance of deployed ML systems 
  • Personale Kompetenz / Sozial (individual competences / social skills):
  • work in diverse teams to build a productive ML system
  • communicate and interact with external customers to gather requirements and feedback
  • Personale Kompetenz / Selbstständigkeit (individual competences / ability to perform autonomously):

  • familiarise themselves independently with new technologies and tools​

  • Prüfungsleistungen (examinations)
    Art der Modulprüfung (type of modul examination): Modulprüfung
    Art der Prüfung
    (type of examination)
    a) Hausarbeit 20-30 Pages [Abgabe i.d.R. 2. Sonntag im August] 60.00 %
    b) Präsentation 20 minutes [i.d.R. 7-14 Tage nach Abgabe] 40.00 %
    Studienleistung / qualifizierte Teilnahme (module participation requirements)
    Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme an Prüfungen (formal requirements for participating in examinations)
    Voraussetzungen für die Vergabe von Credits (formal requirements for granting credit points)
    Die Vergabe der Credits erfolgt, wenn die Modulnote mindestens „ausreichend“ ist
    Gewichtung für Gesamtnote (calculation of overall grade)
    Das Modul wird mit der Anzahl seiner Credits gewichtet (Faktor: 1)
    Verwendung des Moduls in den Studiengängen (The module can be selected in the following degree programmes)
    M.Sc. Management Information Systems
    M.Sc. Wirtschaftsinformatik
    Umfang QT (participation requirements):
    Lernmaterialien, Literaturangaben (learning material, literature):
    Teilnehmerbegrenzung (participant limit):
    20 Personen
    Sonstige Hinweise (additional information):
  • ​Dieses Modul ist kapazitativ auf 20 Teilnehmer/innen begrenzt. Bitte beachten Sie die Hinweise zu kapazitativ-begrenzten Modulen im Bereich „Studium" auf den Seiten der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Studierende melden sich für das Modul in PAUL an und müssen sich zusätzlich direkt beim Lehrstuhl bewerben. Bitte senden Sie Ihre Bewerbung, bestehend aus einem kurzen Motivationsschreiben, und Angaben zu Semester und einem aktuellen Notenauszug (Screenshot PAUL) per E-Mail an
  • Die Auswahl der Teilnehmer erfolgt unmittelbar nach Ende der 1. Anmeldephase (bzw. unmittelbar nach Ende der Revisionsphase für kapazitativ-begrenzte Module) durch den Lehrstuhl. Es wird nur unter denjenigen Studierenden ausgewählt, die sich in PAUL für das Modul angemeldet und eine vollständige Bewerbung an den Lehrstuhl gesendet haben!
  • Zu Beginn der Vorlesungszeit findet eine Einführungsveranstaltung statt, in der weitere wichtige Informationen zum Modul bekannt gegeben werden​.

  • ​This course is limited to 20 participants. Please note the information on capacity-limited modules in the section "Studies" on the pages of the Faculty. Students register for the module in PAUL and must additionally apply directly to the chair. Please send your application, consisting of a short letter of motivation, your semester specification and a current transcript of grades (Screenshot PAUL) per e-mail to​​ 
  • Participants are selected at the end of the 1st application period (respectively the 2nd shortened application period).Only those students who registered for the course in PAUL and submitted their complete application are put on the shortlist!
  • At the beginning of the lecture period, we start the course with an introductory lesson in which you will receive important information about the course!
  • HINWEIS: Da die Teilnehmer*innen im Rahmen des Seminars mit vertaulichen Daten der Praxispartner*innen arbeiten, werden gegebenenfalls Vertraulichkeitserklärungen von den Unternehmen  gefordert.
    NOTE: Since the participants work with confidential data of the practice partners during the seminar, confidentiality declarations may be requested from the companies.


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