Modulhandbuch (Module manual)

M.184.5489 Microeconometrics
Koordinator (coordinator): Prof. Dr. Hendrik Schmitz
Ansprechpartner (contact): Dr. Gunnar Gutsche (gunnar.gutsche[at]
Credits: 10 ECTS
Workload: 300 Std (h)
Semesterturnus (semester cycle): WS
Studiensemester (study semester): 1-4
Dauer in Semestern (duration in semesters): 1
Lehrveranstaltungen (courses):
Nummer / Name
(number / title)
(contact time)
Status (P/WP)
(group size)
a) K.184.54891 / Microeconometrics Vorlesung / Übung 60 Std (h) 240 Std (h) P 100 TN (PART)
Wahlmöglichkeiten innerhalb des Moduls (Options within the module):
Empfohlene Voraussetzungen (prerequisites):

W1472 Grundzüge der Statistik II
W2474 Introduction to Econometrics 

A basic knowledge of econometrics (the linear regression model as e.g. covered in „Introduction to Econometrics“ (Bachelor) or „Econometrics“ (Master) is assumed. We will start with a repetition of the linear regression model, but this will be rather quick and incomplete.

Inhalte (short description):

​The course teaches students basic methods to empirically analyze questions like

  • Does education increase wages?   
  • Do minimum wages reduce employment?   
  • Does unemployment make sick?
  • … and many more by using micro data (e.g., individuals, households), empirical methods and statistical software. This is called "Microeconometrics" as opposed to "Macroeconometrics" or "Time series analysis" which typically uses aggregated data instead of individual level data. The questions above are "causal" questions and a major focus of the course is on methods to identify these causal effects. Students learn how to apply these methods using microdata and the software package Stata.​

    Lernergebnisse (learning outcomes):
    Fachkompetenz Wissen (professional expertise):

  • know issues in dealing with micro data as well as state-of-the-art methods to handle them.
  • know econometric models for micro data and panel data as well as the statistical program Stata.
  • know econometric estimation and can directly apply this knowledge to own empirical projects (term papers or master thesis).​
  • Fachkompetenz Fertigkeit (practical professional and academic skills):
  • can understand and critically evaluate empirical articles as well as scientific results reported on in the daily press.
  • acquire new strategies of knowledge acquisition through a combination of solving exercises together with the lecturer, preparation and follow-on lecture material.
  • Personale Kompetenz / Sozial (individual competences / social skills):
  • ​present their solutions in the team during the joint work in the lecture hall.
  • Personale Kompetenz / Selbstständigkeit (individual competences / ability to perform autonomously):

  • improve their competency in solving problems and their time management by means of the design of the learning proces.
  • Prüfungsleistungen (examinations)
    Art der Modulprüfung (type of modul examination): Modulabschlussprüfung
    Art der Prüfung
    (type of examination)
    a) Klausur 120 Min. 100.00 %
    Studienleistung / qualifizierte Teilnahme (module participation requirements)
    Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme an Prüfungen (formal requirements for participating in examinations)
    Voraussetzungen für die Vergabe von Credits (formal requirements for granting credit points)
    Die Vergabe der Credits erfolgt, wenn die Modulnote mindestens „ausreichend“ ist
    Gewichtung für Gesamtnote (calculation of overall grade)
    Das Modul wird mit der Anzahl seiner Credits gewichtet (Faktor: 1)
    Verwendung des Moduls in den Studiengängen (The module can be selected in the following degree programmes)
    M.Sc. IBS, M.Sc. BWL, M.Sc. International Economics and Management, M.Sc. Management, M.Sc. Management Information Systems, M.Sc. Taxation, Accountingand Finance, M.Sc. Winfo, M.Sc. Wirtschaftspädagogik, M.Ed. Wirtschaftspädagogik
    Umfang QT (participation requirements):
    Lernmaterialien, Literaturangaben (learning material, literature):
    Lecture slides, assignments, and data sets will be uploaded in advance on PANDA.  

    Main textbooks:
    Cameron, Adrian Colin and Pravin K. Trivedi. 2022. Microeconometrics using Stata. College Station, Texas: Stata Press.
    Winkelmann, Rainer and Stefan Boes. 2006. Analysis of Microdata. Berlin: Springer Verlag.
    Teilnehmerbegrenzung (participant limit):
    Sonstige Hinweise (additional information):

    Module cannot be combined with M.184.4489 Microeconometrics.

    Please note that starting from the winter semester 2024/25, Dr. Gunnar Gutsche will be the lecturer and contact person for this module.

    Teaching language: English

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