Modulhandbuch (Module manual)

M.184.5261 IFRS Group Accounting
(IFRS Group Accounting)
Koordinator (coordinator): Prof. Dr. Urska Kosi
Ansprechpartner (contact): Dennis Großmann (dennis.grossmann[at]
Credits: 10 ECTS
Workload: 300 Std (h)
Semesterturnus (semester cycle): SoSe
Studiensemester (study semester): 1-4
Dauer in Semestern (duration in semesters): 1
Lehrveranstaltungen (courses):
Nummer / Name
(number / title)
(contact time)
Status (P/WP)
(group size)
a) K.184.52611 / IFRS Group Accounting Vorlesung 60 Std (h) 140 Std (h) P 100 TN (PART)
b) K.184.52612 / IFRS Group Accounting Übung 30 Std (h) 70 Std (h) P 100 TN (PART)
Wahlmöglichkeiten innerhalb des Moduls (Options within the module):
Empfohlene Voraussetzungen (prerequisites):

Basics of bookkeeping and accounting, e.g.
M.184.2227 (FA 1: Grundlagen des externen Rechnungswesens nach HGB)
M.184.2228 (FA 2: Weiterführende Grundlagen des externen Rechnungswesens nach HGB)

International financial reporting knowledge, e.g.
M.184.2267 (FA 3: Introduction to international financial reporting)
M.184.2268 (FA 4: Intermediate international financial reporting)

Inhalte (short description):

​The course provides participants with a comprehensive overview of financial accounting of groups according to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). In particular, it gives the specifics of IFRS standards applied in consolidated financial statements and provides deep knowledge of relevant IFRS standards, e.g. IFRS 10, IFRS 3, IFRS 11, IAS 28. In the beginning of the course students will learn about various types of business combinations and investments as well as the corresponding accounting methods. They will learn to identify groups, recognize the relevance of consolidated financial statements and learn the consolidation procedure. The course will cover various specific topics of group accounting, e.g. positive and negative goodwill, non-controlling interest, intra-group transactions, impairment of goodwill and retained earnings of a subsidiary. It will also show how to account for investments in associates and joint arrangements. These concepts are practiced in case studies throughout the course.​

Lernergebnisse (learning outcomes):
Fachkompetenz Wissen (professional expertise):
  • ​have good understanding of the key concepts and elements of group accounting according to IFRS.
  • have knowledge to identify groups and recognize, which companies have to prepare group accounts according to IFRS and what are the exceptions.
  • know the main transactions surrounding the preparation of consolidated financial statements and how to account for them​.​

  • Fachkompetenz Fertigkeit (practical professional and academic skills):
  • are able to prepare consolidated financial statements in various circumstances.
  • are able to calculate the consideration transferred, goodwill and non‐controlling interest.
  • are able to correctly account for intra‐group transactions, retained earnings of a subsidiary and fair value adjustments of a subsidiary's net assets.
  • learn to express their opinion about IFRS group accounting issues in English in an international
  • Personale Kompetenz / Sozial (individual competences / social skills):
  • independently build learning groups to repeat and deepen knowledge that was presented in the lectures and tutorials.
  • actively discuss the case studies presented in the lectures and tutorials.
  • Personale Kompetenz / Selbstständigkeit (individual competences / ability to perform autonomously):
  • critically and independently evaluate the main characteristics of IFRS group accounting.
  • critically participate in discussions about potential changes of IFRS group accounting rules.
  • apply IFRS rules on typical consolidation topics independently.
  • Prüfungsleistungen (examinations)
    Art der Modulprüfung (type of modul examination): Modulabschlussprüfung
    Art der Prüfung
    (type of examination)
    a) Klausur 90 Minuten 100.00 %
    Studienleistung / qualifizierte Teilnahme (module participation requirements)
    Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme an Prüfungen (formal requirements for participating in examinations)
    Voraussetzungen für die Vergabe von Credits (formal requirements for granting credit points)
    Die Vergabe der Credits erfolgt, wenn die Modulnote mindestens „ausreichend“ ist
    Gewichtung für Gesamtnote (calculation of overall grade)
    Das Modul wird mit der Anzahl seiner Credits gewichtet (Faktor: 1)
    Verwendung des Moduls in den Studiengängen (The module can be selected in the following degree programmes)
    M.Sc. International Business Studies, M.Sc. Betriebswirtschaftslehre, M.Sc. International Economics and Management, M.Sc. Management Information Systems, M.Sc. Wirtschaftsinformatik, M.Sc. Wirtschaftspädagogik, M. Ed. Wirtschaftspädagogik
    M.Sc. Taxation, Accounting and Finance
    M.Sc. Management
    Umfang QT (participation requirements):
    Lernmaterialien, Literaturangaben (learning material, literature):
    Picker et al. (2016): Applying IFRS Standards, 4th edition
    Teilnehmerbegrenzung (participant limit):
    Sonstige Hinweise (additional information):

    Methodische Umsetzung:

    Lectures 60 hours, presentation and discussion of solutions of exercises in tutorials 30 hours, exercises for self-studying, self-testing quizz questions, opportunity for bonus points via home assignments and quizz tests.   

    Teaching language: English​

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