Modulhandbuch (Module manual)

M.184.3242 Corporate Finance II
(Corporate Finance II)
Koordinator (coordinator): Prof. Dr. Jan Riepe
Ansprechpartner (contact): Prof. Dr. Jan Riepe (jan.riepe[at]
Credits: 5 ECTS
Workload: 150 Std (h)
Semesterturnus (semester cycle): SoSe
Studiensemester (study semester): 3-6
Dauer in Semestern (duration in semesters): 1
Lehrveranstaltungen (courses):
Nummer / Name
(number / title)
(contact time)
Status (P/WP)
(group size)
a) K.184.32421 / Corporate Finance II - Vorlesung 15 Std (h) 45 Std (h) P 120 TN (PART)
b) K.184.32422 / Corporate Finance II - Übung 15 Std (h) 45 Std (h) P 120 TN (PART)
c) K.184.32423 / Corporate Finance II - Repetitorium 15 Std (h) 15 Std (h) P
Wahlmöglichkeiten innerhalb des Moduls (Options within the module):
Empfohlene Voraussetzungen (prerequisites):

​Corporate Finance I, Methoden der Finanzwirtschaft​

Inhalte (short description):
​Corporate Finance II is the second module in the Corporate Finance series. In the course, we study advanced questions how corporations finance their operations. The emphasis of this part of the curriculum is on advanced  shareholder value and company valuation. We will also study the interaction between agency theory and principles of project appraisal, its interaction with capital markets, introduce theories of capital structure, and initial public offerings.  The Module takes place regularly during the second half of the lecture period. A kick-off event in the first week of lectures provides initial insights into the topic. In the accompanying exercise, the methods learned are applied to specific problems and deepened. The module concludes with a written examination in the designated phase after the lecture period.

Lernergebnisse (learning outcomes):
Fachkompetenz Wissen (professional expertise):

  • know advanced concepts and methods in the field of corporate finance as well as advanced methods and issues of decision theory.
  • are familiar with advanced methods for valuing corporations conditional on agency conflicts.​

  • Fachkompetenz Fertigkeit (practical professional and academic skills):

  • are able to design and evaluate the advanced corporate governance structure of companies.
  • are able to independently select and implement concepts for resolving agency conflicts.​

  • Personale Kompetenz / Sozial (individual competences / social skills):

  • improve their communication skills through active participation in lectures and exercises.
  • learn the verbal presentation of quantitative relationships and decision-making.​

  • Personale Kompetenz / Selbstständigkeit (individual competences / ability to perform autonomously):

  • are able to independently analyze entrepreneurial structures in agency conflicts.
  • are able to structure, prepare, professionally accompany and evaluate management processes.​

  • Prüfungsleistungen (examinations)
    Art der Modulprüfung (type of modul examination): Modulabschlussprüfung
    Art der Prüfung
    (type of examination)
    a) Klausur 45 Minuten 100.00 %
    Studienleistung / qualifizierte Teilnahme (module participation requirements)
    Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme an Prüfungen (formal requirements for participating in examinations)
    Voraussetzungen für die Vergabe von Credits (formal requirements for granting credit points)
    Die Vergabe der Credits erfolgt, wenn die Modulnote mindestens „ausreichend“ ist
    Gewichtung für Gesamtnote (calculation of overall grade)
    Das Modul wird mit der doppelten Anzahl seiner Credits gewichtet (Faktor: 2)
    Verwendung des Moduls in den Studiengängen (The module can be selected in the following degree programmes)
    B.Sc. International Business Studies, B.Sc. Wirtschaftsinformatik, B.Sc. Wirtschaftswissenschaften
    Umfang QT (participation requirements):
    Lernmaterialien, Literaturangaben (learning material, literature):
    Teilnehmerbegrenzung (participant limit):
    Sonstige Hinweise (additional information):

    ​Die Einführungsveranstaltung, in der weitere wichtige Informationen zum Modul gegeben werden, findet in der ersten Woche der Vorlesungen statt. Der genaue Termin wird in PAUL veröffentlicht.​

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