Increasing the reliability of a self-optimizing railway guidance system (bibtex)
by Christoph Sondermann-Wolke, Jens Geisler, Walter Sextro
Recent advances in information processing enable new kinds of technical systems, called self-optimizing systems. These systems are able to adapt their objectives and their behavior according to the current situation and influences autonomously. This behavior adaptation is non-deterministic and hence self-optimization is a risk to the system, e.g. if the result of the self-optimization process does not match the suddenly changed situation. In contrary, self-optimization could be used to increase the dependability by pursuing objectives like reliability and availability. In our preceding publications we introduced the so called multi-level dependability concept to cope with this new kind of systems (cf. [6]). This concept comprises the monitoring of the system behavior, the classification of the current situation, and the selection of the appropriate measure, if reliability limits are exceeded. In this paper we present for the first time experimental results. The dependability concept is implemented in the self-optimizing active guidance system of a railway vehicle. The test drives illustrate clearly that the proposed concept is able to cope with, e.g., sensor failures, and is able to increase the reliability and availability of the active guidance module.
Sondermann-Wolke, C.; Geisler, J.; Sextro, W.: Increasing the reliability of a self-optimizing railway guidance system. Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS), 2010 Proceedings - Annual, 2010.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = {Sondermann-Wolke, Christoph and Geisler, Jens and Sextro, Walter},
  title = {Increasing the reliability of a self-optimizing railway guidance
  booktitle = {Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS), 2010 Proceedings
	- Annual},
  year = {2010},
  pages = {1 -6},
  month = jan.,
  abstract = {Recent advances in information processing enable new kinds of technical
	systems, called self-optimizing systems. These systems are able to
	adapt their objectives and their behavior according to the current
	situation and influences autonomously. This behavior adaptation is
	non-deterministic and hence self-optimization is a risk to the system,
	e.g. if the result of the self-optimization process does not match
	the suddenly changed situation. In contrary, self-optimization could
	be used to increase the dependability by pursuing objectives like
	reliability and availability. In our preceding publications we introduced
	the so called multi-level dependability concept to cope with this
	new kind of systems (cf. [6]). This concept comprises the monitoring
	of the system behavior, the classification of the current situation,
	and the selection of the appropriate measure, if reliability limits
	are exceeded. In this paper we present for the first time experimental
	results. The dependability concept is implemented in the self-optimizing
	active guidance system of a railway vehicle. The test drives illustrate
	clearly that the proposed concept is able to cope with, e.g., sensor
	failures, and is able to increase the reliability and availability
	of the active guidance module.},
  bdsk-url-1 = {},
  bdsk-url-2 = {},
  doi = {10.1109/RAMS.2010.5448080},
  file = {:Sondermann-Woelke2010c.pdf:PDF},
  issn = {0149-144X},
  keywords = {availability;dependability concept;multilevel dependability concept;railway
	vehicle;reliability;self optimizing active guidance system;self optimizing
	railway guidance system;situation classification;system behavior
	monitoring;optimal control;railways;reliability theory;self-adjusting
  timestamp = {2013.09.18},
  url = {}