The experimental research of piezoelectric actuator with two vectors of polarization direction (bibtex)
by Raimundas Lucinskis, Dalius Mazeika, Tobias Hemsel, Ramutis Bansevicius
Lucinskis, R.; Mazeika, D.; Hemsel, T.; Bansevicius, R.: The experimental research of piezoelectric actuator with two vectors of polarization direction. MECHANIKA, 2010.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = {Raimundas Lucinskis and Dalius Mazeika and Tobias Hemsel and Ramutis
  title = {The experimental research of piezoelectric actuator with two vectors
	of polarization direction},
  journal = {MECHANIKA},
  year = {2010},
  bdsk-url-1 = {},
  file = {Lucinskis2010.pdf:Lucinskis2010.pdf:PDF},
  issn = {1948-5719},
  timestamp = {2013.09.26},
  url = {}