Tire footprint analysis depending on the elastokinematics of a multi-link suspension system using multi-body dynamics simulation (bibtex)
by Sergej Kohl, Walter Sextro, Armin Zuber
An automotive suspension system represents one of the most complex and important systems in a passenger vehicle, which has to ensure a robust and optimized contact between the wheels and the road at any time. For improving a suspension system it is important to take an investigative look at the interaction between suspension, tire and road dynamics. Thus a part of a study into aspects of suspension modeling on multi-body simulations of rear multi-link suspension system dynamics with focus on the tire footprint area is presented in this work.
Kohl, S.; Sextro, W.; Zuber, A.: Tire footprint analysis depending on the elastokinematics of a multi-link suspension system using multi-body dynamics simulation. PAMM, WILEY-VCH Verlag, volume 14, 2014.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = {Kohl, Sergej and Sextro, Walter and Zuber, Armin},
  title = {Tire footprint analysis depending on the elastokinematics of a multi-link
	suspension system using multi-body dynamics simulation},
  journal = {PAMM},
  year = {2014},
  volume = {14},
  pages = {65-66},
  number = {1},
  abstract = {An automotive suspension system represents one of the most complex
	and important systems in a passenger vehicle, which has to ensure
	a robust and optimized contact between the wheels and the road at
	any time. For improving a suspension system it is important to take
	an investigative look at the interaction between suspension, tire
	and road dynamics. Thus a part of a study into aspects of suspension
	modeling on multi-body simulations of rear multi-link suspension
	system dynamics with focus on the tire footprint area is presented
	in this work.},
  doi = {10.1002/pamm.201410020},
  file = {Kohl2014.pdf:Kohl2014.pdf:PDF},
  issn = {1617-7061},
  publisher = {WILEY-VCH Verlag},
  url = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/pamm.201410020/abstract}