Model based analysis of piezoelectric transformers (bibtex)
by Tobias Hemsel, S. Priya
Piezoelectric transformers are increasingly getting popular in the electrical devices owing to several advantages such as small size, high efficiency, no electromagnetic noise and non-flammable. In addition to the conventional applications such as ballast for back light inverter in notebook computers, camera flash, and fuel ignition several new applications have emerged such as AC/DC converter, battery charger and automobile lighting. These new applications demand high power density and wide range of voltage gain. Currently, the transformer power density is limited to $40 W/cm^3$ obtained at low voltage gain. The purpose of this study was to investigate a transformer design that has the potential of providing higher power density and wider range of voltage gain. The new transformer design utilizes radial mode both at the input and output port and has the unidirectional polarization in the ceramics. This design was found to provide 30 W power with an efficiency of 98\% and 30 $\,^\circ$C temperature rise from the room temperature. An electro-mechanical equivalent circuit model was developed to describe the characteristics of the piezoelectric transformer. The model was found to successfully predict the characteristics of the transformer. Excellent matching was found between the computed and experimental results. The results of this study will allow to deterministically design unipoled piezoelectric transformers with specified performance. It is expected that in near future the unipoled transformer will gain significant importance in various electrical components.
Hemsel, T.; Priya, S.: Model based analysis of piezoelectric transformers. Ultrasonics, volume 44, Supplement, 2006. (Proceedings of Ultrasonics International (UI'05) and World Congress on Ultrasonics (WCU))
Bibtex Entry:
  author = {Tobias Hemsel and S. Priya},
  title = {Model based analysis of piezoelectric transformers},
  journal = {Ultrasonics},
  year = {2006},
  volume = {44, Supplement},
  pages = {e741 - e745},
  number = {0},
  note = {<ce:title>Proceedings of Ultrasonics International (UI'05) and World
	Congress on Ultrasonics (WCU)</ce:title>},
  __markedentry = {[K. Agbons jr:6]},
  abstract = {Piezoelectric transformers are increasingly getting popular in the
	electrical devices owing to several advantages such as small size,
	high efficiency, no electromagnetic noise and non-flammable. In addition
	to the conventional applications such as ballast for back light inverter
	in notebook computers, camera flash, and fuel ignition several new
	applications have emerged such as AC/DC converter, battery charger
	and automobile lighting. These new applications demand high power
	density and wide range of voltage gain. Currently, the transformer
	power density is limited to $40 W/cm{^3}$ obtained at low voltage
	gain. The purpose of this study was to investigate a transformer
	design that has the potential of providing higher power density and
	wider range of voltage gain. The new transformer design utilizes
	radial mode both at the input and output port and has the unidirectional
	polarization in the ceramics. This design was found to provide 30
	W power with an efficiency of 98\% and 30 $\,^{\circ}$C temperature
	rise from the room temperature. An electro-mechanical equivalent
	circuit model was developed to describe the characteristics of the
	piezoelectric transformer. The model was found to successfully predict
	the characteristics of the transformer. Excellent matching was found
	between the computed and experimental results. The results of this
	study will allow to deterministically design unipoled piezoelectric
	transformers with specified performance. It is expected that in near
	future the unipoled transformer will gain significant importance
	in various electrical components.},
  bdsk-url-1 = {},
  bdsk-url-2 = {},
  doi = {},
  issn = {0041-624X},
  keywords = {Piezoelectric transformers},
  owner = {K. Agbons jr},
  timestamp = {2013.11.23},
  url = {}