A simple pre-stress estimating method of langevin transducers (bibtex)
by Fu Bo, Li Ting, Tobias Hemsel
A simple pre-stress estimate method of Langevin transducers is studied. The measurement setup consists of a capacitor, an impedance converter and a voltmeter. Based on the piezoelectric equation and the basic circuit theory, the mathematical expression between the pre-stress and the voltage across the capacitor is derived. The pre-stress level can then be calculated out of the measurement of the capacitor voltage. In order to evaluate the precision of this method, a force washer is used to measure the pre-stress of the Langevin transducer. The result shows the pre-stress level obtained from this method is 30-40\% higher than the pre-stress level measured by the force washer. This method is simple and can be used to estimate the pre-stress of various Langevin transducers. The precision of this method can be raised if d33 is identified under different pre-stress levels.
Bo, F.; Ting, L.; Hemsel, T.: A simple pre-stress estimating method of langevin transducers. Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves, and Device Applications, 2008. SPAWDA 2008. Symposium on, 2008.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = {Bo, Fu and Ting, Li and Hemsel, Tobias},
  title = {A simple pre-stress estimating method of langevin transducers},
  booktitle = {Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves, and Device Applications, 2008.
	SPAWDA 2008. Symposium on},
  year = {2008},
  pages = {324-327},
  __markedentry = {[K. Agbons jr:6]},
  abstract = {A simple pre-stress estimate method of Langevin transducers is studied.
	The measurement setup consists of a capacitor, an impedance converter
	and a voltmeter. Based on the piezoelectric equation and the basic
	circuit theory, the mathematical expression between the pre-stress
	and the voltage across the capacitor is derived. The pre-stress level
	can then be calculated out of the measurement of the capacitor voltage.
	In order to evaluate the precision of this method, a force washer
	is used to measure the pre-stress of the Langevin transducer. The
	result shows the pre-stress level obtained from this method is 30-40\%
	higher than the pre-stress level measured by the force washer. This
	method is simple and can be used to estimate the pre-stress of various
	Langevin transducers. The precision of this method can be raised
	if d33 is identified under different pre-stress levels.},
  bdsk-url-1 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/SPAWDA.2008.4775801},
  doi = {10.1109/SPAWDA.2008.4775801},
  keywords = {capacitors;impedance convertors;piezoelectric transducers;stress analysis;Langevin
	transducers;basic circuit theory;capacitor;impedance converter;piezoelectric
	equation;pre-stress estimating method;voltmeter;Capacitors;Educational
	institutions;Equations;Force measurement;Impedance measurement;Manufacturing;Mechatronics;Piezoelectric
	transducers;Voltage;Voltmeters;Langevin transducer;capacitor;piezoelectric
  owner = {K. Agbons jr},
  timestamp = {2013.11.23}