Non-destructive ultrasonic test of orange dehydration (bibtex)
by Francisco Camarena, Tobias Hemsel, Víctor Espinosa, Jens Twiefel, Miquel Ardid, Joan Martínez-Mora, Joan Babtiste Gandia
Penetration tests (Magness-Taylor, force/deformation, Kramer multiblade shear) applied directly over the peel of the fruit are the most acceptable methods for measuring firmness and turgidity of fruits and vegetables [1, 2]. To replace these destructive and mechanical penetration methods by non-destructive ultrasonic measurements implies a great advance in order to obtain fast studies about the state of the fruit at the time of harvest, during storage, and in the distribution points. Moreover, there are other advantages since this technique can be fast, non-destructive, fully automated, and performed on-line [1]. Within this context, the objective of this study was to examine the relationship between physico-mechanical characteristics (oil-gland break stress, thickness and dehydration) and ultrasonic characteristics in the ``Salustiana'' orange peel during the complete dehydration process of the orange at ambient conditions. After a description of the measurement system [3], the fruit selection procedure and the measurement protocol, we analyze the results of the change of physico-mechanical and ultrasonic properties in the orange peel and their change with storage time.
Camarena, F.; Hemsel, T.; Espinosa, V.; Twiefel, J.; Ardid, M.; Martínez-Mora, J.; Gandia, J. B.: Non-destructive ultrasonic test of orange dehydration. Proceedings of 19th international congress on Acoustics, Madrid, 2007.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = {Camarena, Francisco AND Hemsel, Tobias AND Espinosa, V{\'\i}ctor
	AND Twiefel, Jens AND Ardid, Miquel AND Mart{\'\i}nez-Mora, Joan
	AND Gandia, Joan Babtiste},
  title = {Non-destructive ultrasonic test of orange dehydration},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of 19th international congress on Acoustics, Madrid},
  year = {2007},
  month = {September},
  abstract = {Penetration tests (Magness-Taylor, force/deformation, Kramer multiblade
	shear) applied directly over the peel of the fruit are the most acceptable
	methods for measuring firmness and turgidity of fruits and vegetables
	[1, 2].
	To replace these destructive and mechanical penetration methods by
	non-destructive ultrasonic measurements implies a great advance in
	order to obtain fast studies about the state of the fruit at the
	time of harvest, during storage, and in the distribution points.
	Moreover, there are other advantages since this technique can be
	fast, non-destructive, fully automated, and performed on-line [1].
	Within this context, the objective of this study was to examine the
	relationship between physico-mechanical characteristics (oil-gland
	break stress, thickness and dehydration) and ultrasonic characteristics
	in the ``Salustiana'' orange peel during the complete dehydration
	process of the orange at ambient conditions. After a description
	of the measurement system [3], the fruit selection procedure and
	the measurement protocol, we analyze the results of the change of
	physico-mechanical and ultrasonic properties in the orange peel and
	their change with storage time.},
  file = {Camarena2007.pdf:Camarena2007.pdf:PDF},
  owner = {K. Agbons jr},
  timestamp = {2013.11.23}