Self-Sensing Ultrasound Transducer for Cavitation Detection (bibtex)
by Peter Bornmann, Tobias Hemsel, Walter Sextro, Gianluca Memoli, Mark Hodnett, Bajram Zeqiri
Cavitation monitoring is desired to optimize the sonication for diverse sonochemical processes and to detect changes or malfunctions during operation. In situ cavitation measurements can be carried out by detection of the acoustic emissions of cavitation bubbles by sensors in the liquid. However, in harsh environments sensors might not be applicable. Thus, the impact of cavitation on the electrical signals of a piezoelectric transducer has been analyzed as alternative method to measure the threshold, strength and type of cavitation. The applicability has been tested in three different setups to evaluate the general- izability of extracted indicators. In all setups indicators for the cavitation thresholds could be derived from the current signal. In two setups features showed two thresholds that may be linked to the types of cavitation. However, only one feature derived from the current signal in one particular setup correlated to the strength of cavitation. Cavitation detection based on the current signal of the transducer is a useful method to detect cavitation in harsh environments and without perturbing the sound field. Once appli- cable indicators have been identified, they may easily be tracked during the process. However, for more detailed studies about the cavitation activity and its spatial distribution, measurements with in situ sensors are recommended.
Bornmann, P.; Hemsel, T.; Sextro, W.; Memoli, G.; Hodnett, M.; Zeqiri, B.: Self-Sensing Ultrasound Transducer for Cavitation Detection. 2014 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, 2014.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = {Bornmann, Peter and Hemsel, Tobias and Sextro, Walter and Memoli,
	Gianluca and Hodnett, Mark and Zeqiri, Bajram},
  title = {Self-Sensing Ultrasound Transducer for Cavitation Detection},
  booktitle = {2014 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings},
  year = {2014},
  pages = {663--666},
  abstract = {Cavitation monitoring is desired to optimize the sonication for diverse
	sonochemical processes and to detect changes or malfunctions during
	operation. In situ cavitation measurements can be carried out by
	detection of the acoustic emissions of cavitation bubbles by sensors
	in the liquid. However, in harsh environments sensors might not be
	applicable. Thus, the impact of cavitation on the electrical signals
	of a piezoelectric transducer has been analyzed as alternative method
	to measure the threshold, strength and type of cavitation. The applicability
	has been tested in three different setups to evaluate the general-
	izability of extracted indicators. In all setups indicators for the
	cavitation thresholds could be derived from the current signal. In
	two setups features showed two thresholds that may be linked to the
	types of cavitation. However, only one feature derived from the current
	signal in one particular setup correlated to the strength of cavitation.
	Cavitation detection based on the current signal of the transducer
	is a useful method to detect cavitation in harsh environments and
	without perturbing the sound field. Once appli- cable indicators
	have been identified, they may easily be tracked during the process.
	However, for more detailed studies about the cavitation activity
	and its spatial distribution, measurements with in situ sensors are
  bdsk-url-1 = {},
  bdsk-url-2 = {},
  date-added = {2014-10-29 08:12:07 +0000},
  date-modified = {2014-10-29 08:12:07 +0000},
  doi = {10.1109/ULTSYM.2014.0163},
  file = {Bornmann2014.pdf:Bornmann2014.pdf:PDF},
  isbn = {9781479970490},
  url = {}