A particle filtering approach for temperature based prognostics (bibtex)
by A. Bender, W. Sextro
Rubber-metal-elements are used in a wide range of applications for vibration and sound isola- tion. Nowadays it is state of the art to calculate the lifetimes of these elements under mechanical stress prior to their service life. To establish more reliable and safer rubber-metal-elements, continuous monitoring by dif- ferent sensors can be used. Especially prognostics enable a rise in reliability, availability and safety. To estab- lish these advantages, estimating the remaining useful lifetime of rubber-metal-elements should be realized during its service life based on current information on its condition. Therefore a suitable measure to monitor the condition of the element is necessary. This work focuses on temperature signals. This approach allows in- cluding the ambient temperature and thereby involving changing operating conditions. For estimating the RUL of rubber-metal-elements a model-based prognostics approach based on particle filtering is proposed. Its performance is analyzed regarding relevant parameters to enable the best performance for the applied data.
Bender, A.; Sextro, W.: A particle filtering approach for temperature based prognostics. Safety and Reliability – Safe Societies in a Changing World, 2018. (Preprint: https://groups.uni-paderborn.de/ldm/publications/download/Bender2018.pdf)
Bibtex Entry:
  author = {Bender, A. AND Sextro, W.},
  title = {A particle filtering approach for temperature based prognostics},
  booktitle = {Safety and Reliability – Safe Societies in a Changing World},
  year = {2018},
  pages = {1025-1033},
  address = {Trondheim, Norway},
  month = {Juni},
  abstract = {Rubber-metal-elements are used in a wide range of applications for
	vibration and sound isola-
	tion. Nowadays it is state of the art to calculate the lifetimes of
	these elements under mechanical stress prior 
	to their service life. To establish more reliable and safer rubber-metal-elements,
	continuous monitoring by dif-
	ferent sensors can be used. Especially prognostics enable a rise in
	reliability, availability and safety. To estab-
	lish these advantages, estimating the remaining useful lifetime of
	rubber-metal-elements should be realized 
	during its service life based on current information on its condition.
	Therefore a suitable measure to monitor 
	the condition of the element is necessary. This work focuses on temperature
	signals. This approach allows in-
	cluding the ambient temperature and thereby involving changing operating
	conditions. For estimating the 
	RUL of rubber-metal-elements a model-based prognostics approach based
	on particle filtering is proposed. Its 
	performance is analyzed regarding relevant parameters to enable the
	best performance for the applied data.},
  comment = {Preprint: \url{https://groups.uni-paderborn.de/ldm/publications/download/Bender2018.pdf}},
  file = {Bender2018:download\\Bender2018.pdf:PDF},
  owner = {ekubi},
  timestamp = {2018.06.29},
  url = {https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9781351174657}