
Edited Books & Journal Issues

Dunst, A. (2023). The Rise of the Graphic Novel: Computational Criticism and the Evolution of Literary Value. Cambridge UP.

Dunst, A., Laubrock, J. & Wildfeuer, J. (2018). Empirical Comics Research: Digital, Multimodal, and Cognitive Methods. New York: Routledge, xvi + 349 pp.

Dunst, A. & Mischke, D. (2018), Digital Scholarship in American Studies, special issue of Amerikastudien 63(2): 121 p.

Software Packages

EMRI (An R package for analysis of Eye Movements in Regions of Interest): R package to facilitate the mapping of eye movement recordings to region of interest annotations. Specifically designed to work with Graphic Narrative Markup Language (GNML) annotations of graphic literature and SR research EyeLink eye trackers.

Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed)

Laubrock, J., Krutz, A., Nübel, J., & Spethmann, S. (2023). Gaze patterns reflect and predict expertise in dynamic echocardiographic imaging. Journal of Medical Imaging, 10(S1):S11906.

Meixner, J., Nixon, J., & Laubrock, J. (2022). The perceptual span is dynamically adjusted in response to foveal load by beginning readers. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 151(6):1219–1232.

Dunst, A. (2021). How We Read Comics Now: Computational Criticism, Literary Studies and the Rise of the Graphic Novel. Modern Fiction Studies 67: 758-784.

Dunst, A. & Hartel, R. (2021). Computing Literary Surplus Value: Alan Moore and the Density of the Comic Book as Graphic Novel. Anglia 139: 195-223.

Tseng, C.-I., Laubrock, J., & Bateman, J. A. (2021). The impact of multimodal cohesion on attention and interpretation in film. Discourse, Context & Media, 44:100544.

Laubrock, J. & Dunst, A. (2020). Computational approaches to comics analysis. Topics in Cognitive Science, 12, 274–310. doi: 10.1111/tops.12476

Cajar, A., Engbert, R., & Laubrock, J. (2016). Spatial frequency processing in the central and peripheral visual field during scene viewing. Vision Research, 127:186–197.

Cajar, A., Schneeweiß, P., Engbert, R., & Laubrock, J. (2016). Coupling of attention and saccades when viewing scenes with central and peripheral degradation. Journal of Vision, 16(2):8, 1–19.

Dunst, A. (2016). Digital American Studies: An Introduction and Rationale. Amerikastudien 61-3: 381-395.

Hohenstein, S. & Kliegl, R. (2016). Linked linear mixed models: A joint analysis of fixation locations and fixation durations in natural reading. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 24, 637–651. doi: 10.3758/s13423-016-1138-y

Laubrock, J., Cajar, A., & Engbert, R. (2017). Gaze-contingent manipulation of the FVF demonstrates the importance of fixation duration for explaining search behavior. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 40, doi:10.1017/S0140525X16000145.

Sperlich, A., Meixner, J., & Laubrock, J. (2016). Development of the perceptual span in reading: A longitudinal study. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 146, 181–201. doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2016.02.007

Published Conference Papers (Peer Reviewed)

Dubray, D. & Laubrock, J. (2019). Deep CNN-based speech balloon detection and segmentation for comic books. In 2019 International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), pages 1237–1243. doi: 10.1109/ICDAR.2019.00200

Dubray, D. & Laubrock, J. (2019). Deep CNN-based speech balloon detection and segmentation for comic books. In 2019 International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), pages 1237–1243. doi: 10.1109/ICDAR.2019.00200

Çelikkol, P., Laubrock, J., & Schlangen, D. (2023, in press). Scene-object relations influence visual attention. In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications.

Chandra, J., Witzig, N., & Laubrock, J. (2023, in press). Evaluating the influence of word predictabilities generated by transformer models on eye movements during reading. In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications.

Hartel R. & Dunst, A. (2019). How Good Is Good Enough? Establishing Quality Thresholds for the Automatic Text Analysis of Retro-Digitized Comics.  In: Kompatsiaris I., Huet B., Mezaris V., Gurrin C., Cheng WH., Vrochidis S. (eds) MultiMedia Modeling. MMM 2019, 662-671. Cham, Switzerland: Springer 2019, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-05716-9_59.

Laubrock, J. & Dubray D. (2019). CNN-based Classification of Illustrator-Style in Graphic Novels: Which Features Contribute Most? In Kompatsiaris, I., Huet, B., Mezaris, V., Gurrin, C., Cheng, W., Vrochidis, S. (eds), MultiMedia Modeling. MMM 2019, volume 11296 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 684–695. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-05716-9_61

Dunst, A., Laubrock J., & Hartel R (2017). The Graphic Narrative Corpus: Design, Annotation, and Analysis for the Digital Humanities. Proceedings of the 14th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2017), 15-20. doi:10.1109/ICDAR.2017.286

Book Chapters

Dunst, A. & Hartel R. (2023, in press). Computergestützte Comicforschung. In: Christian Bachmann et al. (eds.). Handbuch Comicforschung. De Gruyter.

Dunst A. & Hartel, R. (2018). The Quantitative Study of Comics: Towards a Visual Stylometry of Graphic Narrative. In: A. Dunst, Laubrock, J. & Wildfeuer, J. (eds.). Empirical Comics Research: Digital, Cognitive, and Multimodal Methods. New York: Routledge, 1-23.

Dunst, A., Laubrock, J. & Wildfeuer, J. (2018). Comics and Empirical Research: An Introduction. In: A. Dunst, J. Laubrock & J. Wildfeuer (eds.). Empirical Comics Research: Digital, Cognitive, and Multimodal Methods. New York: Routledge, 43-60.

Kliegl, R. & Laubrock, J. (2017). Eye-movement tracking during reading. In de Groot, A. M. B. and Hagoort, P. (eds.), Research Methods in Psycholinguistics and the Neurobiology of Language: A Practical Guide. Hoboken: Wiley, 68–88.

Laubrock, J., Hohenstein, S. & Kümmerer, M. (2018). Attention to Comics. In: A. Dunst, J. Laubrock & J. Wildfeuer (eds.). Empirical Comics Research: Digital, Cognitive, and Multimodal Methods. New York: Routledge, 239-263.

Tseng, C.-I., Laubrock, J., & Pflaeging, J. (2018). Character developments in comics and graphic novels: A systematic analytical scheme. In: A. Dunst, J. Laubrock & J. Wildfeuer (eds.). Empirical Comics Research: Digital, Cognitive, and Multimodal Methods. New York: Routledge, 154-175.

Presentations with Published Abstracts

Hartel, R. & Dunst, A. An OCR Pipeline and Semantic Text Analysis for Comics. In: A. Del Bimbo et al. (eds.). ICPR 2020 Workshops: 213-222. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12666.

Laubrock, J. & Dubray, D. (2019). A fully convolutional model of empirical saliency based on deep CNN features. Abstract book of the 20th European Conference on Eye Movements, Alicante.

Laubrock, J. & Dubray, D. (2019). Illustrator style and cognitive processing of comics: A study using eyetracking and deep convolutional neural network modeling. In ESCoP 2019 Abstracts book, 21st Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology.

Dunst A. & R. Hartel (2018). Automated Genre and Author Distinction in Comics. DH 2018: Book of Abstracts (Mexico City), 184-188.

Dunst A. & R. Hartel (2018). Auf dem Weg zur visuellen Stilometrie: Automatische Autor- und Genreunterscheidung in graphischen Narrativen. DHd 2018: Book of Abstracts (Köln), 226-29.

Cajar, A., Engbert, R., & Laubrock, J. (2016). Eye movements during gaze-contingent spatial-frequency filtering of real-world scenes: Effects of filter location, cutoff, and size. Perception, 45(2):126. Barcelona.

Cajar, A., Schneeweiß, P., Laubrock, J., & Engbert, R. (2015). Central and peripheral scene degradation modulate the detectability of peripheral targets. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 8(4):217. Wien.

Dunst, A., Hartel R. (2017) Corpora and Complex Networks as Cultural Critique. Investigating Race and Gender Bias in Graphic Narrative. In Digital Humanities 2017: Conference Abstracts, p. 218-220. Montréal.

Dunst, A., Hartel, R. (2016). Die Corpusanalyse multimodaler Erzählungen am Beispiel graphischer Romane. In DHd 2016: Book of Abstracts, p. 120-122. Leipzig.

Dunst, A., Hartel, R., Hohenstein, S., & Laubrock, J. (2016). Corpus analyses of multimodal narrative: The example of graphic novels. In Digital Humanities 2016: Conference Abstracts, p. 178–180. Kraków.

Dunst, A., Hartel, R., Hohenstein, S., & Laubrock, J. (2015). Digitale Analyse Graphischer Literatur. In DHd 2015: Book of Abstracts, p. 310-312. Graz.

Hohenstein, S., & Laubrock, J. (2017). Eye movements and processing of temporal information in comics. In T. Goschke, A. Bolte, & C. Kirschbaum (Eds.), Abstracts of the 59th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (p. 220). Lengerich: Pabst.

Hohenstein, S. & Laubrock, J. (2017). Raum und Zeit in Comics: Die Wirkung von Zwischenräumen auf Aufmerksamkeit und empfundene Zeit beim Lesen graphischer Literatur. In DHd 2017 Konferenzabstracts, p. 270. Bern.

Laubrock, J., Cajar, A., & Engbert, R. (2016). Attention correlates with saccade amplitude modulations caused by gaze-contingent filtering of the visual field. Journal of Vision, 16(12):1274–1274. St. Petersburg, USA.

Laubrock, J. & Dubray, D. (2018). Computational analysis and visual stylometry of comics using convolutional neural networks. In Palau, J. G. & Russell, I. G., editors, Digital Humanities 2018 Puentes-Bridges (Book of Abstracts), 228–231.

Laubrock, J., Dubray, D., & Krügel, A. (2018). Computationale Beschreibung visuellen Materials am beispiel des Graphic Narrative Corpus. In Vogeler, G., (ed.), DHd 2018 Kritik der digitalen Vernunft (Konferenzabstracts), 143–146.

Laubrock, J., Hohenstein S. & Richter E. M. (2017) Design of a Corpus and an Interactive Annotation Tool for Graphic Literature. In Digital Humanities 2017: Conference Abstracts, p. 740-42. Montréal.

Laubrock, J., Hohenstein, S. & Richter, E. (2017). PoCoCo: An eye-movement corpus of graphic novel reading. European Conference on Eye Movements (ECEM).

Laubrock, J. & Hohenstein, S. (2015). Is a picture worth a thousand words? Eye movements during reading of graphic literature. Abstracts of the 19th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, ESCoP, Paphos, Cyprus.

Laubrock, J., Hohenstein, S., & Thoß, A. (2016). Moving around the city of glass. In DHd 2016 Konferenzabstracts, p. 186. Leipzig.

Laubrock, J., Richter, E. & Hohenstein, S. 2017). Visuelle Elemente grafischer Literatur: Aufmerksamkeitszuwendung und objektive Beschreibung. Poster. 4. Jahrestagung der Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum. In DHd 2017 Konferenzabstracts, p. 286. Bern.

Meixner, J., Laubrock, J., & Sperlich, A. (2015). Development of the perceptual span: Nonlinear mixed-effects modeling. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 8(4):246. Wien.

Presentations without published abstracts

Dunst, A. (2017). Digital American Studies: An Introduction and Rationale. Universitá degli Studi Torino, Italy. Invited Guest Lecture.

Dunst, A. (2016). What Has Critique Ever Done For Us? On the Theory and Practice of American Studies in an Interdisciplinary DH Project. American Studies after the Digital Turn: Annual Meeting of the Netherlands Association for American Studies, Roosevelt Center, Middelburg.

Dunst, A. (2016). What Is the Graphic Novel? Towards a Quantitative History of Cultural Form. 61st Annual Conference of the British and Irish Association of American Studies. Queens University, Belfast.

Dunst, A. (2015). Comics Lesen. Beitrag zu einer empirischen Kulturwissenschaft. Göttingen Philologisches Forum. Universität Göttingen. Invited Lecture.

Dunst, A. (2015). Digital Approaches to Cultural Form. Universität Stuttgart. Invited Lecture.

Dunst, A. (2015). What Do Comics Do?. Exzellenzcluster Cognitive Sciences, Universität Potsdam. Invited Lecture.

Dunst, A., Hartel, R. (2017). Corpora and Complex Networks as Cultural Critique. DH 2017 McGill University, Montréal.

Dunst, A., Hartel, R. (2017). Images in Search of a Plot: Towards a Quantitative Analysis of Comics. The Empirical Study of Comics. Universität Bremen.

Dunst, A., Hartel, R. (2016). GNML: An Annotation Tool for Multimodal Narrative. Symposium on Interdisciplinary Comics Research. Institute of Advanced Study Delmenhorst.

Dunst, A., Hartel, R., Hohenstein, S. & Laubrock, J. (2015). Digitale Analyse Graphischer Literatur. 2. Jahrestagung der Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum (DHd). Graz, Österreich.

Hohenstein, S. & Laubrock, J. (2017). Temporal processing of visual narrative: The gutter and the reader’s attention. Poster. International Conference „The Empirical Study of Comics“, Bremen.

Hohenstein, S., Hartel, R., Dunst, A. & Laubrock, J. (2015). Digitale und kognitive Methoden zur Analyse graphischer Literatur. Poster. Digital Humanities Summit. Berlin.

Hohenstein, S. & Kliegl, R. (2015). Fixation locations and fixation durations in reading: An analysis with linked linear mixed models. The Rank Prize Funds: Symposium on Visual Aspects of Reading. Grasmere, UK.

Laubrock, J. (2017). Eye Movements as Measures of Cognitive Processing of Text and Image when Reading Comics. Eingeladene Keynote auf der „Eye Movements in Programming Winter School“. Berlin.

Laubrock, J. (2017). Comics im Blick. Berliner Comics Kolloquium, Berlin.

Laubrock, J. (2016). Is there a specific expertise in reading graphic novels? Evidence from eye movements in the City of Glass. Symposium Interdisciplinary Comics Research. HWK, Delmenhorst.

Laubrock, J. (2015). Bin kaum da, muss ich fort. Vom Zusammenspiel fovealer und peripherer Verarbeitung. Invited Lecture. Universität Würzburg.

Laubrock, J. & Dubray, D. (2018). Visual stylometry of comics using CNN features. European Conference on Data Analysis (ECDA), Paderborn.

Laubrock, J. & Dubray, D. (2018). Grundzüge einer visuellen Stilometrie. Workshop “Der Digitale Blick: Mixed Methods in der Bildanalyse”, ZEM, Potsdam.

Laubrock, J. & Hohenstein, S. (2016). Eye movements during reading of graphic literature. Poster. IPAM Workshop Culture Analytics Beyond Text: Image, Music, Video, Interactivity and Performance. Los Angeles.

Laubrock, J., Hohenstein, S. & Richter, E. (2017). Cognitive processing of text and image during comics reading. The Empirical Study of Comics. Bremen.

Laubrock, J., Hohenstein, S., Richter, E., & Krügel, A. (2017). The Potsdam Comics Corpus (PoCoCo): A tool for the study of attentional and linguistic processing during multimodal reading. European Society of Cognitive Psychology, Potsdam.

Moisich, O. (2018). Kognition, Korpora und Comics – Überlegungen auf dem Weg zu einer experimentellen Narratologie für graphische Narrative. Erzähltheoretisches Kolloqioum (ETK), Universität Hamburg / CAU Kiel. Invited Guest Lecture.

Moisich, O. (2017). Comics and Visual Focalization: Cognition and Contextualization. The Empirical Study of Comics. Universität Bremen.

Moisich, O. (2016). Focalization in Comics as a Cognitive Concept. Bi-Annual Conference of the International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature (IGEL). Chicago.

Richter, E., Hohenstein, S. & Laubrock, J. (2017). Gaze contingent masking of text in graphic literature – An eye movement study. Poster. The Empirical Study of Comics. Bremen.