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Reiko Heckel and Marc Lohmann: Model-Driven Development of Reactive Information Systems: From Graph Transformation Rules to JML Contracts. In International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT), vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 193--207 (2006)
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@article{Heckel2006, author = {Reiko Heckel and Marc Lohmann}, title = {Model-Driven Development of Reactive Information Systems: From Graph Transformation Rules to JML Contracts}, journal = {International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT)}, year = {2006}, volume = {9}, number = {2}, pages = {193--207}, month = {August} }

The model-driven architecture focuses on the evolution and integration of applications across heterogeneous platforms by means of generating implementations from platform-independent models. Most of the existing realizations of this idea are limited to static models. We propose a model-driven approach to the development of reactive information systems, like dynamic Web pages or Web services, modeling their typical request-query-update-response pattern by means of graph transformation rules. Rather than generating executable code from these models we focus on the verification of the consistency between different sub-models and an implementation that may have been produced manually. The main technical tool for achieving this goal is a mapping of graph transformation rules to contracts expressed in the Java Modeling Language.

Jan Hendrik Hausmann and Reiko Heckel and Marc Lohmann: Model-based development of Web service descriptions enabling a precise matching concept. In International Journal of Web Services Research, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 67--85 (2005)
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@article{Hausmann2005, author = {Jan Hendrik Hausmann and Reiko Heckel and Marc Lohmann}, title = {Model-based development of Web service descriptions enabling a precise matching concept}, journal = {International Journal of Web Services Research}, year = {2005}, volume = {2}, number = {2}, pages = {67--85}, month = {April-June} }

Web services are software components that can be discovered and employed at runtime using the Internet. Conflicting requirements towards the nature of these services can be identified. From a business perspective, Web services promise to enable the formation of ad-hoc cooperations on a global scale. From a technical perspective, a high degree of standardization and rigorous specifications are required to enable the automated integration of Web services. A suitable technology for Web services has to mediate these needs for flexibility and stability. To be usable in practice, this technology has to be aligned to standard software engineering practice to allow for a seamless development of Web service enabled components. In this paper, we introduce a new approach to the description of Web services. It is a visual approach based on the use of software models and graph transformations and allows for the flexible description of innovative services while providing a precise matching concept. A methodology enabling the seamless development of such Web service descriptions in the context of a standard model-based development approach is presented.

Ernst-Erich Doberkat and Gregor Engels and Jan Hendrik Hausmann and Marc Lohmann and Jörg Pleumann and Jens Schröder: Software Engineering and eLearning: The MuSofT Project. In e-learning and education (eleed) Journal, vol. 2 (2005)
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@article{Doberkat2005, author = {Ernst-Erich Doberkat and Gregor Engels and Jan Hendrik Hausmann and Marc Lohmann and Jörg Pleumann and Jens Schröder}, title = {Software Engineering and eLearning: The MuSofT Project}, journal = {e-learning and education (eleed) Journal}, year = {2005}, volume = {2}, month = {Dezember} }

eLearning supports the education in certain disciplines. Here, we report about novel eLearning concepts, techniques, and tools to support education in Software Engineering, a subdiscipline of computer science. We call this "Software Engineering eLearning". On the other side, software support is a substantial prerequisite for eLearning in any discipline. Thus, Software Engineering techniques have to be applied to develop and maintain those software systems. We call this "eLearning Software Engineering". Both aspects have been investigated in a large joint, BMBF-funded research project, termed MuSofT (Multimedia in Software Engineering). The main results are summarized in this paper.

Gregor Engels and Jan Hendrik Hausmann and Marc Lohmann: eLearning-Plattformen für die Hochschule: Bedarfsgerechte Bestimmung der Anforderungen. In ForschungsForum Paderborn, vol. 6, pp. 44--47 (2003)
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@article{Engels2003a, author = {Gregor Engels and Jan Hendrik Hausmann and Marc Lohmann}, title = {eLearning-Plattformen für die Hochschule: Bedarfsgerechte Bestimmung der Anforderungen}, journal = {ForschungsForum Paderborn}, year = {2003}, volume = {6}, pages = {44--47}, month = {January} }

Der Einfluss neuer Technologien auf die Art wie wir Lehren und Lernen wird seit einigen Jahren unter dem Begriff eLearning diskutiert. Auch an den Hochschulen gibt es Bemhungen, eLearning-Konzepte zu etablieren. Dabei versprechen so genannte eLearning-Plattformen ein integriertes und reibungsloses Zusammenarbeiten aller Beteiligten am eLearning zu ermglichen. Der Einsatz einer so zentralen Software in einem System wie der Hochschule ist ein komplexes Problem, fr dessen Bewltigung die Softwaretechnik, ein Fachgebiet der Informatik, Methoden und Sprachen bereitstellt. Zentrale Idee dabei ist es, von existierenden Strukturen und den Bedrfnissen der Anwender auszugehen. In diesem Beitrag wird beschrieben, wie die Analyse von Hochschulstrukturen und Prozessen der Planung des Einsatzes von eLearning-Plattformen dient.


Gregor Engels and Andreas Hess and Bernhard Humm and Oliver Juwig and Marc Lohmann and Jan-Peter Richter and Markus Voß and Johannes Willkomm: Quasar Enterprise: Anwendungslandschaften serviceorientiert gestalten. dpunkt-Verlag (München) (2008)
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@book{Engels2008, author = {Gregor Engels and Andreas Hess and Bernhard Humm and Oliver Juwig and Marc Lohmann and Jan-Peter Richter and Markus Voß and Johannes Willkomm}, title = {Quasar Enterprise: Anwendungslandschaften serviceorientiert gestalten}, publisher = {dpunkt-Verlag}, year = {2008}, address = {München}, month = {März} }

IT-Anwendungslandschaften in Unternehmen sind komplexe über Jahre gewachsene Gebilde. Sie architektonisch zu gestalten und nachhaltig zu entwickeln braucht eine eigene Technologie jenseits der klassischen Softwaretechnik. Der Ansatz serviceorientierter Architekturen (SOA) ist ein wichtiges Instrument, reicht aber alleine nicht aus. In Quasar Enterprise haben Experten des Softwareunternehmens sd&m eine durchgängige Architekturmethodik für die serviceorientierte Gestaltung von Anwendungslandschaften zusammengetragen, die Erfahrungen aus Dutzenden von Beratungs-, Integrations- und großen Softwareprojekten widerspiegelt. Das Besondere an Quasar Enterprise ist die Sammlung sehr konkreter Methoden, Regeln, Referenzarchitekturen und Muster für die Gestaltung - ausgehend von der Architektur des Geschäfts, über die logische Strukturierung der IT in Services und Domänen, bis hin zu physischen Komponenten und Schnittstellen inkl. deren Kopplung über technische Integrationsplattformen. Teil I beschreibt ein fiktives, aber realistisches Projekt aus der Sicht eines IT-Architekten. Der Leser schaut ihm bei seiner Arbeit über die Schulter und erlangt dabei ein intuitives Verständnis der Artefakte und Verfahrensbausteine von Quasar Enterprise. Das Vorgehen im Projekt erlebt er dabei beispielhaft. Teil II vertieft das Erlernte systematisch. Die Grundlagen für Anwendungslandschaften und SOA werden eingeführt und dann Schritt für Schritt Begriffe, Zusammenhänge und Vorgehensbausteine erläutert. Die Beziehungen zwischen Architekturentscheidungen und Qualitätszielen werden transparent gemacht und Verweise auf weiterführende Literatur gegeben. Das Buch richtet sich an alle, die etwas über Anwendungslandschaften und SOA in der Praxis wissen wollen. Primäre Zielgruppe sind IT-Architekten, erfahrene Softwareingenieure und Berater.

Rezensierte Konferenzbeiträge

Gregor Engels and Andreas Hess and Bernhard Humm and Oliver Juwig and Marc Lohmann and Jan-Peter Richter and Markus Voß and Johannes Willkomm: A Method for Engineering a true Service-Oriented Architecture. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2008), Barcelona (Spain). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), vol. ISAS-2, pp. 272--281 (2008) 10th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2008)
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@inproceedings{Engels08-1, author = {Gregor Engels and Andreas Hess and Bernhard Humm and Oliver Juwig and Marc Lohmann and Jan-Peter Richter and Markus Voß and Johannes Willkomm}, title = {A Method for Engineering a true Service-Oriented Architecture}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2008), Barcelona (Spain)}, year = {2008}, volume = {ISAS-2}, pages = {272--281}, address = {Berlin/Heidelberg}, month = {June }, publisher = {Springer}, note = {10th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2008)} }

Marc Lohmann and Gregor Engels and Stefan Sauer: Model-driven Monitoring: Generating Assertions from Visual Contracts. In Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 06), Tokyo (Japan). IEEE Computer Society (Los Alamitos, CA, USA), pp. 355--356 (2006)
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@inproceedings{Lohmann2006a, author = {Marc Lohmann and Gregor Engels and Stefan Sauer}, title = {Model-driven Monitoring: Generating Assertions from Visual Contracts}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 06), Tokyo (Japan)}, year = {2006}, pages = {355--356}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society} }

The Visual Contract Workbench is a tool that supports model-driven development of software systems by lifting the Design by Contract idea, which is usually used at the code level, to the model level. It uses visual contracts for graphically specifying the pre- and post-conditions of an operation. Java classes with JML (Java Modeling Language) assertions are generated from visual contracts to facilitate automatic monitoring of the correctness of the programmer's implementation.

Gregor Engels and Marc Lohmann and Stefan Sauer and Reiko Heckel: Model-Driven Monitoring: An Application of Graph Transformation for Design by Contract. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Graph Transformation (ICGT 2006), Natal (Brazil). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 4178, pp. 336--350 (2006)
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@inproceedings{Engels2006f, author = {Gregor Engels and Marc Lohmann and Stefan Sauer and Reiko Heckel}, title = {Model-Driven Monitoring: An Application of Graph Transformation for Design by Contract}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Graph Transformation (ICGT 2006), Natal (Brazil)}, year = {2006}, volume = {4178}, series = {LNCS}, pages = {336--350}, address = {Berlin/Heidelberg}, publisher = {Springer} }

The model-driven development (MDD) approach for constructing software systems advocates a stepwise refinement and transformation process starting from high-level models to concrete program code. In contrast to numerous research efforts that try to generate executable function code from models, we propose a novel approach termed model-driven monitoring. Here, models are used to specify minimal requirements and are transformed into assertions on the code level for monitoring hand-coded programs during execution. We show how well-understood results from the graph transformation community can be deployed to support this model-driven monitoring approach. In particular, models in the form of visual contracts are defined by graph transitions with loose semantics, while the automatic transformation from models to JML assertions on the code level is defined by strict graph transformation rules. Both aspects are supported and realized by a dedicated Eclipse plug-in.

Gregor Engels and Jan Hendrik Hausmann and Marc Lohmann and Stefan Sauer: Teaching UML Is Teaching Software Engineering Is Teaching Abstraction. In Proceedings of the Satellite Events at the MoDELS 2005 Conference, Montego Bay (Jamaica). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 3844 / 2006, pp. 306--319 (2006) Proceedings of the workshopt on Satellite Events at the MoDELS 2005 Conference (MoDELS 2005 International Workshops OCLWS, MoDeVA, MARTES, AOM, MTiP, WiSME, MODAUI, NfC, MDD, WUsCAM, Montego Bay, Jamaica)
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@inproceedings{Engels2006e, author = {Gregor Engels and Jan Hendrik Hausmann and Marc Lohmann and Stefan Sauer}, title = {Teaching UML Is Teaching Software Engineering Is Teaching Abstraction}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Satellite Events at the MoDELS 2005 Conference, Montego Bay (Jamaica)}, year = {2006}, volume = {3844 / 2006}, series = {LNCS}, pages = {306--319}, address = {Berlin/Heidelberg}, month = {October}, publisher = {Springer}, note = {Proceedings of the workshopt on Satellite Events at the MoDELS 2005 Conference (MoDELS 2005 International Workshops OCLWS, MoDeVA, MARTES, AOM, MTiP, WiSME, MODAUI, NfC, MDD, WUsCAM, Montego Bay, Jamaica)} }

As the Unified Modeling Language (UML) has by now seen widespread and successful use in the software industry and academia alike, it has also found its way into many computer science curricula. An outstanding advantage of teaching UML is that it enables an illustration of many crucial concepts of software engineering, far beyond its concrete notation. Most important among these concepts is that of abstraction. We present a course design which demonstrates the use of UML as a vehicle for teaching such core concepts of software engineering. Multimedia elements and tools help to efficiently convey the courses message to the students.

Gregor Engels and Baris Güldali and Oliver Juwig and Marc Lohmann and Jan-Peter Richter: Industrielle Fallstudie: Einsatz visueller Kontrakte in serviceorientierten Architekturen. In Proceedings of the conference on Software Enginneering, Fachtagung des GI Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik (SE 2006), Leipzig (Germany). Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) (Bonn), Lecture Notes in Informatics, vol. 79, pp. 111--122 (2006) Software Enginneering 2006, Fachtagung des GI Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik
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@inproceedings{Engels2006d, author = {Gregor Engels and Baris Güldali and Oliver Juwig and Marc Lohmann and Jan-Peter Richter}, title = {Industrielle Fallstudie: Einsatz visueller Kontrakte in serviceorientierten Architekturen}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the conference on Software Enginneering, Fachtagung des GI Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik (SE 2006), Leipzig (Germany)}, year = {2006}, volume = {79}, series = {Lecture Notes in Informatics}, pages = {111--122}, address = {Bonn}, month = {March}, publisher = {Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI)}, note = {Software Enginneering 2006, Fachtagung des GI Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik} }

Serviceorientierte Architekturen (SOA) erlauben eine schnelle und kosteneffiziente Bereitstellung unterschiedlicher Funktionalitäten zur Unterstützung der Geschäftsprozesse eines Unternehmens. Dazu werden fachliche Funktionalitäten in Form von Enterprise Services zur Verfügung gestellt. Die hohe Zahl von Enterprise Services erfordert eine geeignete semantische Beschreibung zu deren effizienten Verwaltung. Zur semantischen Beschreibung von Enterprise Services sowie zur Formulierung von Suchanfragen ist an der Universität Paderborn die Methode der visuellen Kontrakte entwickelt worden. Das Papier stellt die Ergebnisse der ersten Phase einer umfangreichen industriellen Fallstudie zur Evaluation der praktischen Anwendbarkeit visueller Kontrakte im Kontext einer SOA vor.

Marc Lohmann and Stefan Sauer and Gregor Engels: Executable Visual Contracts. In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC 2005). IEEE Computer Society (Washington, DC, USA), pp. 63--70 (2005)
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@inproceedings{Lohmann2005, author = {Marc Lohmann and Stefan Sauer and Gregor Engels}, title = {Executable Visual Contracts}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC 2005)}, year = {2005}, pages = {63--70}, address = {Washington, DC, USA}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society} }

Design by Contract (DbC) is widely acknowledged to be a powerful technique for creating reliable software. DbC allows developers to specify the behavior of an operation precisely by pre- and post-conditions. Existing DbC approaches predominantly use textual representations of contracts to annotate the actual program code with assertions. In the Unified Modeling Language (UML), the textual Object Constraint Languages (OCL) supports the specification of pre- arid post-conditions by constraining the model elements that occur in UML diagrams. However; textual specifications in OCL can become complex and cumbersome, especially for software developers who are typically not used to OCL. In this paper, we propose to specify the pre- and post-conditions of an operation visually by a pair of UML object diagrams (visual Contract). We define a mapping of visual contracts into Java classes that are annotated with behavioral interface specifications in the Java Modeling Language (JML). The mapping supports testing the correctness of the implementation against the specification using JML tools, which include a runtime assertion checker. Thus we make the visual contracts executable.

Jan Hendrik Hausmann and Reiko Heckel and Marc Lohmann: Model-based Discovery of Web Services. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2004). IEEE Computer Society (Washington, DC, USA), pp. 324--331 (2004)
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@inproceedings{Hausmann2004, author = {Jan Hendrik Hausmann and Reiko Heckel and Marc Lohmann}, title = {Model-based Discovery of Web Services}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2004)}, year = {2004}, pages = {324--331}, address = {Washington, DC, USA}, month = {July}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society} }

Web Services are software components that can be discovered and employed at runtime using the Internet. Conflicting requirements towards the nature of these services can be identified. From a business perspective, Web Services promise to enable the formation of ad-hoc cooperation's on a global scale. From a technical perspective, a high degree of standardization and rigorous specifications are required to enable the automated integration of Web Services. A suitable technology for Web Services has to mediate these needs for flexibility and stability. In this paper, a new approach to the description of Web Service semantics is introduced. It is a visual approach based on the use of software models and graph transformations and allows for the description of innovative services while providing a precise matching concept. An implementation using current standards and tools is available.

Marc Lohmann and Stefan Sauer and Tim Schattkowsky: ProGUM-Web: Tool Support for Model-Based Development of Web Applications. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Unified Modeling Language (UML 2003), San Francisco, CA (USA). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 2863, pp. 101--105 (2003)
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@inproceedings{Lohmann2003, author = {Marc Lohmann and Stefan Sauer and Tim Schattkowsky}, title = {ProGUM-Web: Tool Support for Model-Based Development of Web Applications}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Unified Modeling Language (UML 2003), San Francisco, CA (USA)}, year = {2003}, volume = {2863}, series = {LNCS}, pages = {101--105}, address = {Berlin/Heidelberg}, publisher = {Springer} }

ProGUM-Web is a tool that supports model-based development of Web applications using an extension of UML. It accounts for the characteristics of Web applications and their specific development. Code templates are generated from the model for both graphic designers and software developers. These code templates can iteratively and independently be advanced and are re-integrated within ProGUM-Web. Prototypes of Web applications can automatically be generated throughout the development.

Reiko Heckel and Marc Lohmann: Model-Based Development of Web Applications Using Graphical Reaction Rules. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE 2003), Warsaw (Poland). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 2621, pp. 170--183 (2003)
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@inproceedings{Heckel2003e, author = {Reiko Heckel and Marc Lohmann}, title = {Model-Based Development of Web Applications Using Graphical Reaction Rules}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE 2003), Warsaw (Poland)}, year = {2003}, volume = {2621}, series = {LNCS}, pages = {170--183}, address = {Berlin/Heidelberg}, publisher = {Springer} }

The OMG's Model-Driven Architecture focusses on the evolution and integration of applications across heterogeneous middleware platforms. Presently available instances of this idea are mostly limited to static models. We propose a model-driven approach to the development of web-enabled applications, seen as reactive information systems on an HTTP-based communication platform, which covers both static and dynamic aspects. To support the separate change of both platform and functionality we separate at model and implementation level the platform-independent application logic from classes specific to technologies like HTML or SOAP. We discuss a notion of consistency between models at different abstraction levels based on a concept of graphical reaction rules, i.e., graph transformation rules which integrate data state transformation and reactive behavior.

Gregor Engels and Jochen Küster and Reiko Heckel and Marc Lohmann: Model Based Verification and Validation of Properties. In Proceedings of the conference on Uniform Approaches to Graphical Process Specification Techniques (UNIGRA 2003, Satellite Event of the ETAPS 2003), Warsaw (Poland). Elsevier, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 82, no. 7, pp. 1--18 (2003)
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@inproceedings{Engels2003c, author = {Gregor Engels and Jochen Küster and Reiko Heckel and Marc Lohmann}, title = {Model Based Verification and Validation of Properties}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the conference on Uniform Approaches to Graphical Process Specification Techniques (UNIGRA 2003, Satellite Event of the ETAPS 2003), Warsaw (Poland)}, year = {2003}, volume = {82}, number = {7}, series = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science}, pages = {1--18}, month = {June}, publisher = {Elsevier} }

One of the key issues in software development, like in all engineering problems, is to ensure that the product delivered meets its specification. Verification and validation are well-established techniques for ensuring the quality of a product within the overall software development lifecycle. With models being expressed in the Unified Modeling Language, the application of verification and validation is complicated. Firstly, concerning verification, a UML model is typically not the input language of a verification tool. Secondly, with regards to validation, a UML model is also not directly executable. In this paper, we show how verification and validation can be achieved for UML models. Within our approach, graph transformation techniques are applied for automated translation of UML models into a language understood by a verification tool or directly into an implementation. By the use of such semantic-preserving transformations, both verification and validation can be lifted up to the model level, allowing for a seamless integration of verification and validation into a UML-based development process.

Klaus Alfert and Ernst-Erich Doberkat and Gregor Engels and Marc Lohmann and Johannes Magenheim and Andy Schürr: MuSofT: Multimedia in der Softwaretechnik. In Proceedings of the conference on Software Engineering im Unterricht der Hochschulen (SEUH 2003), Berlin (Germany). dpunkt Verlag (Heidelberg), pp. 70--80 (2003) SEUH 8 - Software Engineering im Unterricht der Hochschulen, Berlin 2003
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@inproceedings{Alfert2003, author = {Klaus Alfert and Ernst-Erich Doberkat and Gregor Engels and Marc Lohmann and Johannes Magenheim and Andy Schürr}, title = {MuSofT: Multimedia in der Softwaretechnik}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the conference on Software Engineering im Unterricht der Hochschulen (SEUH 2003), Berlin (Germany)}, year = {2003}, pages = {70--80}, address = {Heidelberg}, month = {February}, publisher = {dpunkt Verlag}, note = {SEUH 8 - Software Engineering im Unterricht der Hochschulen, Berlin 2003} }

Im BMBF-Verbundprojekt MuSofT werden multimediale Lehrmaterialien für die Lehre der Softwaretechnik entwickelt. In diesem Papier stellen wir die Bemühungen innerhalb von MuSofT vor, eine qualitativ hochwertige und nachhaltige Entwicklung von Lernobjekten zu realisieren. Wir legen den Fo-kus dabei auf die didaktischen Grundannahmen, die inhaltliche und stilisti-sche Abstimmung zwischen den Materialien sowie die gleichförmige Be-schreibung der Materialien durch Metadaten, die eine effektive Recherche des Materials innerhalb des MuSofT-Portals ermöglichen.

Tim Schattkowsky and Marc Lohmann: Rapid Development of Modular Dynamic Web Sites Using UML. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on The Unified Modeling Language (UML 2002), Dresden (Germany). Springer (London, UK), LNCS, pp. 336--350 (2002)
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@inproceedings{Schattkowsky2002, author = {Tim Schattkowsky and Marc Lohmann}, title = {Rapid Development of Modular Dynamic Web Sites Using UML}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on The Unified Modeling Language (UML 2002), Dresden (Germany)}, year = {2002}, series = {LNCS}, pages = {336--350}, address = {London, UK}, publisher = {Springer} }

Development of dynamic Web sites is often performed by teams consisting of graphic designers and software developers. Communication between these different team members has to be supported with a simple modeling approach that considers their different academical backgrounds. Dynamic Web sites can contain multiple modules that may reappear on different pages. Reuse of both business logic and visual design modules would be desirable. Furthermore, a considerable amount of time is usually consumed by the implementation of data flows that are already defined in the model. Rapid development is enabled by providing roundtrip engineering capabilities with support for automatic code generation. We propose a simple subset of the UML adapted to the problem domain by means of stereotypes as well as a strategy for generating code templates from such models. These templates are tailored to the tasks of each team member. This enables parallel work and automated reintegration of results.

Marc Lohmann and Annika Wagner: Konzeption eines XML-fähigen Mailtools. In Proceedings of Net.Object Days 2000, Erfurt (Germany). (2000)
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@inproceedings{Lohmann2000, author = {Marc Lohmann and Annika Wagner}, title = {Konzeption eines XML-fähigen Mailtools}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Net.Object Days 2000, Erfurt (Germany)}, year = {2000} }

In dieser Arbeit wird ein Konzept vorgestellt, wie XML eingesetzt werden kann, um inhaltlich strukturierte Nachrichten, wie sie etwa einem ausgefüllten Formular entsprechen, mit einem Mailtool zu versenden. Damit sollen einerseits die Möglichkeiten einer automatischen Weiterverarbeitung der Nachrichten verbessert werden. Andererseits wird durch den Einsatz von Formularen bei der elektronischen Kommunikation angestrebt, die papierbasierte Kommunikation noch stärker als bisher möglich in den Hintergrund zu drängen.

Rezensierte Workshopbeiträge

Gregor Engels and Baris Güldali and Marc Lohmann: Towards Model-Driven Unit Testing. In Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Models in Software Engineering (MoDELS 2006). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 4364, pp. 182--192 (2007) Models in Software Engineering, Workshops and Symposia at MoDELS 2006, Genoa, Italy, October 1-6, 2006, Reports and Revised Selected Papers, Genua (Italy)
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@inproceedings{Engels2006a, author = {Gregor Engels and Baris Güldali and Marc Lohmann}, title = {Towards Model-Driven Unit Testing}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Models in Software Engineering (MoDELS 2006)}, year = {2007}, volume = {4364}, series = {LNCS}, pages = {182--192}, address = {Berlin/Heidelberg}, month = {October}, publisher = {Springer}, note = {Models in Software Engineering, Workshops and Symposia at MoDELS 2006, Genoa, Italy, October 1-6, 2006, Reports and Revised Selected Papers, Genua (Italy)} }

The Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) approach for constructing software systems advocates a stepwise refinement and transformation process starting from high-level models to concrete program code. In contrast to numerous research efforts that try to generate executable function code from models, we propose a novel approach termed model-driven monitoring. On the model level the behavior of an operation is specified with a pair of UML composite structure diagrams (visual contract), a visual notation for pre- and post-conditions. The specified behavior is implemented by a programmer manually. An automatic translation from our visual contracts to JML assertions allows for monitoring the hand-coded programs during their execution. In this paper we present an approach to extend our model-driven monitoring approach to allow for model-driven unit testing. In this approach we utilize the generated JML assertions as test oracles. Further, we present an idea how to generate sufficient test cases from our visual contracts with the help of model-checking techniques.

Gregor Engels and Baris Güldali and Marc Lohmann: Towards Model-Driven Unit Testing. In Proceedings of the workshop on Model Design and Validation (MoDeVa 2006), Toulouse (France). Le Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique - CEA (Berlin / Heidelberg), pp. 16--29 (2006)
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@inproceedings{Engels2006b, author = {Gregor Engels and Baris Güldali and Marc Lohmann}, title = {Towards Model-Driven Unit Testing}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the workshop on Model Design and Validation (MoDeVa 2006), Toulouse (France)}, year = {2006}, pages = {16--29}, address = {Berlin / Heidelberg}, month = {October}, publisher = {Le Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique - CEA} }

The Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) approach for constructing software systems advocates a stepwise refinement and transformation process starting from high-level models to concrete program code. In contrast to numerous research efforts that try to generate executable function code from models, we propose a novel approach termed model-driven monitoring. On the model level the behavior of an operation is specified with a pair of UML composite structure diagrams (visual contract), a visual notation for pre- and post-conditions. The specified behavior is implemented by a programmer manually. An automatic translation from our visual contracts to JML assertions allows for monitoring the hand-coded programs during their execution. In this paper we present an approach to extend our model-driven monitoring approach to allow for model-driven unit testing. In this approach we utilize the generated JML assertions as test oracles. Further, we present an idea how to generate sufficient test cases from our visual contracts with the help of model-checking techniques.

Tim Schattkowsky and Marc Lohmann: Towards employing UML Model Mappings for Platform Independent User Interface Design (Revised). In Proceedings of the Satellite Events at the MoDELS 2005 Conference. Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 3844, pp. 201--209 (2005)
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@inproceedings{Schattkowsky2006b, author = {Tim Schattkowsky and Marc Lohmann}, title = {Towards employing UML Model Mappings for Platform Independent User Interface Design (Revised)}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Satellite Events at the MoDELS 2005 Conference}, year = {2005}, volume = {3844}, series = {LNCS}, pages = {201--209}, address = {Berlin/Heidelberg}, publisher = {Springer} }

While model based design of platform independent application logic has already shown significant success, the design of platform independent user interfaces still needs further investigation. Nowadays, user interface design is usually platform specific or based on C-level cross-platform libraries. In this paper, we propose a MDA like design approach for user interfaces based on the transformation of UML models at different levels of abstraction. This enables platform independent design of user interfaces and a clear separation of UI and application logic design while enabling full use of native controls in the actual user interface implementation.

Tim Schattkowsky and Marc Lohmann: Towards employing UML Model Mappings for Platform Independent User Interface Design. In Proceedings of the MoDELS'05 Workshop on Model Driven Development of Advanced User Interfaces., CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 159 (2005)
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@inproceedings{Schattkowsky2005a, author = {Tim Schattkowsky and Marc Lohmann}, title = {Towards employing UML Model Mappings for Platform Independent User Interface Design}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the MoDELS'05 Workshop on Model Driven Development of Advanced User Interfaces}, year = {2005}, volume = {159}, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings}, publisher = {} }

While model based design of platform independent application logic has already shown significant success, the design of platform independent user interfaces still needs further investigation. Nowadays, user interface design is usually platform specific or based on C-level cross-platform libraries. In this paper, we propose a MDA like design approach for user interfaces based on the transformation of UML models at different levels of abstraction. This enables platform independent design of user interfaces and a clear separation of UI and application logic design while enabling full use of native controls in the actual user interface implementation.

Reiko Heckel and Marc Lohmann: Towards Contract-based Testing of Web Services. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Test and Analysis of Component Based Systems (TACoS 2004). Elsevier, vol. 116, pp. 145--156 (2005)
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@inproceedings{Heckel2005a, author = {Reiko Heckel and Marc Lohmann}, title = {Towards Contract-based Testing of Web Services}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Workshop on Test and Analysis of Component Based Systems (TACoS 2004)}, year = {2005}, volume = {116}, pages = {145--156}, month = {January }, publisher = {Elsevier} }

Web Services are composed by linking together service providers and requestors. To ensure interoperability, the requestor’s requirements for a service have to be matched against a service description offered by the provider. Besides data types and operation signatures, this requires service specifications to include behavioral information, like contracts specifying pre- and post-conditions of (required or provided) operations. In this paper, we propose to visualize contracts by graph transformation rules which blend well with a UML-based notion of data models and signatures. The operational interpretation of rules could turn out to be useful for simulating the behavior of required components in unit testing.

Gregor Engels and Marc Lohmann and Stefan Sauer: Modellbasierte Entwicklung von Web Services mit Design by Contract. In Proceedings of Informatik 2005 - Informatik LIVE! Band 2, Beiträge der 35. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), Workshop Modellbasierte Qualitätssicherung, Bonn, Germany. Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) (Bonn), Lecture Notes in Informatics, vol. 68, pp. 491--495 (2005)
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@inproceedings{EngelsLS2005c, author = {Gregor Engels and Marc Lohmann and Stefan Sauer}, title = {Modellbasierte Entwicklung von Web Services mit Design by Contract}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Informatik 2005 - Informatik LIVE! Band 2, Beiträge der 35. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), Workshop Modellbasierte Qualitätssicherung, Bonn, Germany}, year = {2005}, volume = {68}, series = {Lecture Notes in Informatics}, pages = {491--495}, address = {Bonn}, publisher = {Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI)} }

Die Qualität Service-orientierter Softwaresysteme hängt wesentlich von der Einbindung der richtigen Dienste ab. Zwei grundsätzliche Aspekte kommen hierbei zum Tragen: (1) Passen die Anforderungen eines Service Requestors und die Servicebeschreibung eines Service Providers zusammen und (2) ist die Imple-mentierung der Web Services korrekt gegenüber der Servicebeschreibung. Wir verwenden Design by Contract Techniken auf der Modellebene zur semantischen Beschreibung von Web Services und führen ein Matching-Konzept für den Ver-gleich von Requestor- und Provider-Kontrakten ein. Damit wird eine automatisier-te, semantische Suche nach Web Services möglich. Wir erläutern zudem eine mo-dellbasierte Vorgehensweise zur Entwicklung von Web Services. Hierbei werden aus den Modellen der Anwendung (1) die auswertbaren semantischen Beschrei-bungen und (2) Runtime-Assertions erzeugt, um die Korrektheit der Implementie-rung eines Web Services gegenüber seiner Spezifikation zu überprüfen. So wird eine konstruktive und prüfende Qualitätssicherung unterstützt.

Gregor Engels and Marc Lohmann and Stefan Sauer: Design by Contract zur semantischen Beschreibung von Web Services. In Proceedings of Informatik 2005 - Informatik LIVE! Band 2, Beiträge der 35. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), Workshop Service-orientierte Architekturen - Zusammenwirken von Business & IT, Bonn (Germany). Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) (Bonn), Lecture Notes in Informatics, vol. 68, pp. 612--616 (2005)
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@inproceedings{Engels2005b, author = {Gregor Engels and Marc Lohmann and Stefan Sauer}, title = {Design by Contract zur semantischen Beschreibung von Web Services}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Informatik 2005 - Informatik LIVE! Band 2, Beiträge der 35. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), Workshop Service-orientierte Architekturen - Zusammenwirken von Business & IT, Bonn (Germany)}, year = {2005}, volume = {68}, series = {Lecture Notes in Informatics}, pages = {612--616}, address = {Bonn}, month = {September }, publisher = {Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI)} }

Die Vision von Web Services ist, dass ein Service Requestor einen Ser-vice Provider dynamisch finden und binden kann. Für das Finden eines Web Ser-vices müssen die Anforderungen eines Requestors und die Beschreibung eines Services miteinander verglichen werden. Syntaktische Beschreibungen reichen hierfür nicht aus. Eine Möglichkeit zur semantischen Beschreibung von Web Ser-vices basiert auf der Technik Design by Contract. In diesem Papier führen wir eine UML-basierte Notation für Kontrakte sowie ein Matching-Konzept ein. Damit wird eine automatisierte, semantische Suche nach Web Services möglich.

Reiko Heckel and Alexey Cherchago and Marc Lohmann: A Formal Approach to Service Specification and Matching based on Graph Transformation. In Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Web Services and Formal Methods (WSFM 2004), Pisa, Italy. Elsevier, vol. 105, pp. 37--49 (2004)
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@inproceedings{Heckel2004b, author = {Reiko Heckel and Alexey Cherchago and Marc Lohmann}, title = {A Formal Approach to Service Specification and Matching based on Graph Transformation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Web Services and Formal Methods (WSFM 2004), Pisa, Italy}, year = {2004}, volume = {105}, pages = {37--49}, month = {December }, publisher = {Elsevier} }

When Web services are composed by linking service providers and requestors, the requestor's requirements for a "useful" service have to be matched against the service description offered by the provider. Among other things, service specifications (requirements or descriptions) may contain operation contracts specifying pre-conditions and effects of (required or provided) operations. In this paper we provide a semi-formal, UML-based notation for contracts and contract matching, as well as a formalization of these notions in terms of graph transformation. We establish the desired semantic relation between requestor and provider specifications and prove the soundness of our syntactic notion of matching w.r.t. this relation.

Reiko Heckel and Marc Lohmann: Towards Model-Driven Testing. In Proceedings of the workshop on Test and Analysis of Component Based Systems (TACoS 2003, satellite event of the ETAPS 2003), Warsaw (Poland). Elsevier (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), vol. 82, no. 6, pp. 33-43 (2003)
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@inproceedings{Heckel2003b, author = {Reiko Heckel and Marc Lohmann}, title = {Towards Model-Driven Testing}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the workshop on Test and Analysis of Component Based Systems (TACoS 2003, satellite event of the ETAPS 2003), Warsaw (Poland)}, year = {2003}, volume = {82}, number = {6}, pages = {33-43}, address = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands}, month = {April}, publisher = {Elsevier} }

The OMG’s Model-Driven Architecture is a strategy towards interoperability across heterogeneous middleware platforms through the reuse of platform independent designs based on the distinction of, and transformation between, platformindependent and platform-specific models. A corresponding strategy for model-driven testing requires a similar structure to facilitate, besides the generation of test cases and oracles, the execution of tests on different target platforms. In this paper, we discuss different aspects of such a strategy in a specific instance: the development of web-based distributed applications. In particular, we will be concerned with the problem of reusing platform-independent test cases and test oracles and with the generation of oracles from executable models.

Reiko Heckel and Marc Lohmann and Sebastian Thöne: Towards a UML Profile for Service-Oriented Architectures. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Model Driven Architecture: Foundations and Applications (MDAFA 2003), Enschede (The Netherlands). University of Twente (Enschede, The Netherlands), CTIT Technical Report, vol. TR–CTIT–03–27, pp. 115--120 (2003)
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@inproceedings{HLT03MDAFA, author = {Reiko Heckel and Marc Lohmann and Sebastian Thöne}, title = {Towards a UML Profile for Service-Oriented Architectures}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Model Driven Architecture: Foundations and Applications (MDAFA 2003), Enschede (The Netherlands)}, year = {2003}, volume = {TR–CTIT–03–27}, series = {CTIT Technical Report}, pages = {115--120}, address = {Enschede, The Netherlands}, month = {June }, publisher = {University of Twente} }

Jan Hendrik Hausmann and Reiko Heckel and Marc Lohmann: Towards Automatic Selection of Web Services Using Graph Transformation Rules. In Proceeding of the Web Service Workshop (Berliner XML-Tage 2003), Berlin (Germany). XML-Clearinghouse, pp. 286--291 (2003)
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@inproceedings{HHL03WS, author = {Jan Hendrik Hausmann and Reiko Heckel and Marc Lohmann}, title = {Towards Automatic Selection of Web Services Using Graph Transformation Rules}, booktitle = {Proceeding of the Web Service Workshop (Berliner XML-Tage 2003), Berlin (Germany)}, year = {2003}, pages = {286--291}, publisher = {XML-Clearinghouse} }

The Web service architecture promises to be highly dynamic. The idea is that a service requester can discover a needed service at runtime. Due to the fact that this discovery process relies on a semantic understanding of the offered services, it is presently performed manually at development time only. In this paper we propose to use graph transformation rules to describe the semantics of Web services. These rules provide precise semantic specifications needed for an automated service discovery in a visual and intuitive way.

Tim Schattkowsky and Marc Lohmann and Reiko Heckel: Lightweight Modeling of Dynamic Websites using UML. In Proceedings of Workshop on Web Engineering (satellite event of the ICSE 2002), Orlando, FL (USA). (2002)
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@inproceedings{Schattkowsky2002a, author = {Tim Schattkowsky and Marc Lohmann and Reiko Heckel}, title = {Lightweight Modeling of Dynamic Websites using UML}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Workshop on Web Engineering (satellite event of the ICSE 2002), Orlando, FL (USA)}, year = {2002}, month = {Mai} }

Development of small- or medium scale Web applications is usually performed by teams consisting of graphic designers responsible for the layout and software developers realizing the business logic. Due to short production cycles, these people have to work in parallel on the implementation. Because of the different backgrounds of the people involved and the relative simplicity of the application, a simple design process and modeling approach is required which supports communication between team members and helps to identify and relate their respective tasks. We propose a simple subset of the UML adapted to the problem domain by means of stereotypes. Based on the design, we propose a strategy for generating code templates specifically tailored to the tasks of each team member, so that the implementation can immediately start in parallel when the modeling is complete.

Marc Lohmann and Annika Wagner: Using an XML-capable mailtool for the communication in software development projects. In Proceedings of the Workshop on XML Technologies and Software Engineering (XSE; satellite event of the ICSE 2001), Toronto (Canada). (2001)
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@inproceedings{Lohmann2001, author = {Marc Lohmann and Annika Wagner}, title = {Using an XML-capable mailtool for the communication in software development projects}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on XML Technologies and Software Engineering (XSE; satellite event of the ICSE 2001), Toronto (Canada)}, year = {2001}, month = {May} }

In this paper, we show how an XML-capable mailtool can improve the ways of communication in software development projects. Therefore we analyze which kinds of communication may appear within such a project. Moreover, we show that the main advantage of using XML in emails, namely the known structure of a message, applies to these kinds of communication.


Gregor Engels and Andreas Hess and Bernhard Humm and Oliver Juwig and Marc Lohmann and Jan-Peter Richter and Markus Voß and Johannes Willkomm: Anwendungslandschaften serviceorientiert gestalten. In R. Reussner, W. Hasselbring (eds.): Handbuch der Softwarearchitektur. pp. 151--178 dpunkt-Verlag, edt: 2nd (2008) 2. Auflage
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@incollection{Engels08-4, author = {Gregor Engels and Andreas Hess and Bernhard Humm and Oliver Juwig and Marc Lohmann and Jan-Peter Richter and Markus Voß and Johannes Willkomm}, title = {Anwendungslandschaften serviceorientiert gestalten}, booktitle = {Handbuch der Softwarearchitektur}, publisher = {dpunkt-Verlag}, year = {2008}, pages = {151--178}, edition = {2nd}, month = {March}, note = {2. Auflage} }

Service-orientierte Architekturen (SOA) – wie mache ich das konkret? Wir stellen mit Quasar Enterprise einen durchgängigen, serviceorientierten Ansatz zur Gestaltung großer Anwendungslandschaften vor. Hierzu verwenden wir ein Architektur-Framework zur Strukturierung der methodischen Schritte und führen ein Domänenmodell zur Präzisierung der Begrifflichkeiten und Entwicklungsartefakte ein. Die dargestellten methodischen Bausteine und Richtlinien beruhen auf langjährigen Erfahrungen in der industriellen Softwareentwicklung bei der sd&m AG.

Marc Lohmann and Leonardo Mariani and Reiko Heckel: A Model-Driven Approach to Discovery, Testing and Monitoring of Web Services. In L. Baresi, E. Di Nitto (eds.): Test and Analysis of Web Services. pp. 173--204 Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg) (2007)
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@incollection{Lohmann2007, author = {Marc Lohmann and Leonardo Mariani and Reiko Heckel}, title = {A Model-Driven Approach to Discovery, Testing and Monitoring of Web Services}, booktitle = {Test and Analysis of Web Services}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2007}, pages = {173--204}, address = {Berlin/Heidelberg} }

Service-oriented computing is distinguished by its use of dynamic discovery and binding for the integration of services at runtime. This poses a challenge for testing, in particular, of the interaction between services. We propose a model-driven solution to address this challenge. Service descriptions are promoted from largely syntactical to behavioural specifications of services in terms of contracts (pre-conditions and effects of operations), expressed in a visual UML-like notion. Through mappings to semantic web languages and the Java Modeling Language (JML) contracts support the automatic discovery of services as well as the derivation of test cases and their execution and monitoring. We discuss an extended life cycle model for services based on the model-driven approach and illustrate its application using a model of a hotel reservation service.

Gregor Engels and Marc Lohmann and Annika Wagner: The Web Application Development Process. In G. Kappel, B. Pröll, S. Reich, W. Retschitzegger (eds.): Web Engineering: The Discipline of Systematic Development of Web Applications. Wiley (2006)
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@incollection{Engels2006, author = {Gregor Engels and Marc Lohmann and Annika Wagner}, title = {The Web Application Development Process}, booktitle = {Web Engineering: The Discipline of Systematic Development of Web Applications}, publisher = {Wiley}, year = {2006}, month = {May} }

The current situation of ad hoc development of Web applications reminds us of the software development practices of the 1960s, before it was realized that the development of applications required more than programming expertise. This book counteracts this situation by giving a comprehensive, practice-oriented and thorough insight into the new discipline of Web Engineering. The text highlights the need to examine and re-use the body of knowledge found within software engineering. It demonstrates how to use that knowledge within the Web environment, in order to achieve a highly disciplined and methodological means of producing Web-based software, putting emphasize on current practices, experiences and pitfalls. The book demonstrates the distinctions between software engineering and Web engineering, for instance, the shorter lead times that Web engineering has compared to its software counterpart, whilst also demonstrating the rapid prototyping and agile methods of development needed to meet these criteria. The book covers important topics of Web Engineering, including requirements analysis, design, architectures, technologies, test, operation and maintenance; this is complemented by in-depth knowledge about Web project management and process issues as well as important quality aspects of Web applications like usability, performance and security. An overview of Semantic Web concepts points the way to the development of future Web applications.

Gregor Engels and Marc Lohmann and Annika Wagner: Entwicklungsprozess von Web-Anwendungen. In G. Kappel, B. Proell, S. Reich, W. Retschnitzegger (eds.): Web Engineering: Systematische Entwicklung von Web-Anwendungen. pp. 239--264, chapter: 10. dpunkt-Verlag (Heidelberg) (2003)
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@incollection{Engels2003, author = {Gregor Engels and Marc Lohmann and Annika Wagner}, title = {Entwicklungsprozess von Web-Anwendungen}, booktitle = {Web Engineering: Systematische Entwicklung von Web-Anwendungen}, publisher = {dpunkt-Verlag}, year = {2003}, chapter = {10}, pages = {239--264}, address = {Heidelberg}, month = {October} }

Ist es möglich klassische Softwareentwicklungsprozesse für die Entwicklung von Web-Anwendungen zu nutzen? Dazu formulieren wir sechs grundlegende Anforderungen an den Prozess der Entwicklung von Web-Anwendungen. Diese Anforderungen werden zur Evaluation des Rational Unified Process (RUP) und von Extreme Programming (XP) verwendet. Dabei konzentrieren wir uns auf den eigentlichen Prozess, d.h. die Organisation des Ablaufs der Entwicklung, und lassen die zugrunde liegenden Methoden so weit wie möglich ausgeklammert. Es zeigt sich, dass keiner der Prozesse in der Lage ist, alle Anforderungen zu erfüllen. Die Stärken des RUP liegen in seiner Anpassbarkeit an den Grad der Komplexität der zu entwickelnden Anwendung. Die Stärken von XP dagegen liegen im Umgang mit kurzen Entwicklungszeiten und sich erst entwickelnden bzw. sich ändernden Anforderungen.

Technische Berichte

Marc Lohmann and Jan-Peter Richter and Gregor Engels and Baris Güldali and Oliver Juwig and Stefan Sauer: Semantische Beschreibung von Enterprise Services – Eine industrielle Fallstudie. s-lab report, no. 1. University of Paderborn, s-lab (2006)
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@techreport{Lohmann2006b, author = {Marc Lohmann and Jan-Peter Richter and Gregor Engels and Baris Güldali and Oliver Juwig and Stefan Sauer}, title = {Semantische Beschreibung von Enterprise Services – Eine industrielle Fallstudie}, institution = {University of Paderborn, s-lab}, year = {2006}, type = {s-lab report}, number = {1}, month = {May} }

Serviceorientierte Architekturen (SOA) erlauben eine schnelle und kosteneffiziente Bereitstellung unterschiedlicher Funktionalitäten zur Unterstützung der Geschäftsprozesse eines Unternehmens. Dazu werden fachliche Funktionalitäten in Form von Enterprise Services zur Verfügung gestellt. Die hohe Zahl von Enterprise Services erfordert eine geeignete semantische Beschreibung zu deren effizienten Verwaltung. Zur semantischen Beschreibung von Enterprise Services sowie zur Formulierung von Suchanfragen ist an der Universität Paderborn die Methode der visuellen Kontrakte entwickelt worden. Dieser Bericht stellt die Ergebnisse einer industriellen Fallstudie zur Evaluation der praktischen Anwendbarkeit visueller Kontrakte im Kontext einer SOA vor.

Gregor Engels and Jan Hendrik Hausmann and Marc Lohmann and Stefan Sauer: Teaching UML is Teaching Software Engineering is Teaching Abstraction. techreportFakultät für Elektrotechnik,Informatik und Mathematik, Universität Paderborn (2005)
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@techreport{Engels06, author = {Gregor Engels and Jan Hendrik Hausmann and Marc Lohmann and Stefan Sauer}, title = {Teaching UML is Teaching Software Engineering is Teaching Abstraction}, institution = {Fakultät für Elektrotechnik,Informatik und Mathematik, Universität Paderborn}, year = {2005}, type = {techreport}, month = {October} }

As the Unified Modeling Language (UML) has by now seen widespread and successful use in the software industry and academia alike, it has also found its way into many computer science curricula. An outstanding advantage of teaching UML is that it enables an illustration of many crucial concepts of software engineering, far beyond its concrete notation. Most important among these concepts is that of abstraction. We present a course design which demonstrates the use of UML as a vehicle for teaching such core concepts of software engineering. Multimedia elements and tools help to efficiently convey the course’s message to the students.


Marc Lohmann: Kontraktbasierte Modellierung, Implementierung und Suche von Komponenten in serviceorientierten Architekturen. Type: Phd Thesis (2006)
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@phdthesis{Lohmann2006, author = {Marc Lohmann}, title = {Kontraktbasierte Modellierung, Implementierung und Suche von Komponenten in serviceorientierten Architekturen}, year = {2006}, month = {June} }

Service oriented architectures promise an easy integration of existing IT systems inside and outside of an organization. Service descriptions and software developers are the pivotal elements when systems are integrated over a service oriented architecture. The integration of a service into a client is based on its public service description. On the service provider side, a software developer develops a service description and implements a service accordingly. Today, a service is implemented mainly manual. Automated code generation techniques are seldom used. On the service requestor side, if a software developer needs a specific functionality he searches for a sufficient service. Thus, the success of service oriented architectures is strongly coupled to the content and usability of service descriptions by software developers. In this thesis we describe how to use contracts on the model level to enable a correct implementation and retrieval of services. In our approach we take the pivotal roles of the software developer and the public service description into account. Especially, we allow for a model-based semantic description, monitoring of the correctness of a service and the comparison of existing service descriptions. Therefore, our approach is based on three important techniques: Visual contracts allow for specifying the semantics of a service. A visual contract consists of a pair of UML composite structure diagrams for the representation of the pre- and post-condition of a service. By using UML composite structure diagrams, we have chosen a graphical notation that is familiar to software developers and easily integrates with today’s model-driven software development processes. By embedding our visual contracts into a software development process we are able to monitor the correctness of a hand-coded implementation. Therefore, we will show how models can be used to generate assertions which monitor the execution of the hand-coded implementation. Herewith, violations of the modeled requirements will be detected at runtime. We call this novel approach model-driven monitoring. Model-driven Matching is a new approach to enable a model-based query of existing services. Therefore, we allow for using visual contracts on the service requestor side to describe a needed service. A matching procedure checks the compatibility of a service description and a service query.


Marc Lohmann: Konzeption und prototypische Realisierung eines XML-fähigen Mailtools. Type: Diploma Thesis, diplomathesis (2001)
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@mastersthesis{Lohmann2001a, author = {Marc Lohmann}, title = {Konzeption und prototypische Realisierung eines XML-fähigen Mailtools}, year = {2001}, type = {diplomathesis}, month = {January} }


Ernst-Erich Doberkat and Gregor Engels and Jan Hendrik Hausmann and Marc Lohmann and Christof Veltmann: Anforderungen an eine eLearning-Plattform -Innovation und Integration. Study for the Ministry of Science and Research, Northrhine-Westfalia, Germany (2002)
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@misc{Doberkat, author = {Ernst-Erich Doberkat and Gregor Engels and Jan Hendrik Hausmann and Marc Lohmann and Christof Veltmann}, title = {Anforderungen an eine eLearning-Plattform -Innovation und Integration}, howpublished = {Study for the Ministry of Science and Research, Northrhine-Westfalia, Germany}, month = {April}, year = {2002} }