- Zeitschriftenbeiträge
Masud Fazal-Baqaie and Baris Güldali and Simon Oberthür: Towards DevOps in Multi-provider Projects. In CSE@SE 2017, pp. 18-21 (2017)
Show Bibtex@article{FGO2017, author = {Masud Fazal-Baqaie and Baris Güldali and Simon Oberthür}, title = {Towards DevOps in Multi-provider Projects}, journal = {CSE@SE 2017}, year = {2017}, pages = {18-21} }
Marvin Grieger and Masud Fazal-Baqaie and Stefan Sauer: A Method Base for the Situation-Specific Development of Model-Driven Transformation Methods. In Softwaretechnik-Trends, Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop Model-Based and Model-Driven Software Modernization (MMSM), vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 67-68 (2016)
Show Bibtex@article{GFSMMSM2016, author = {Marvin Grieger and Masud Fazal-Baqaie and Stefan Sauer}, title = {A Method Base for the Situation-Specific Development of Model-Driven Transformation Methods}, journal = {Softwaretechnik-Trends, Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop Model-Based and Model-Driven Software Modernization (MMSM)}, year = {2016}, volume = {36}, number = {2}, pages = {67-68} }
Masud Fazal-Baqaie and Stefan Sauer and Torsten Heuft: Agile Entwicklung mit On- und Offshore-Partnern – Methodenverbesserung in der Praxis. In WI-MAW-Rundbrief, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 5-13 (2015)
Show Bibtex | Show Abstract@article{pvm2014_WIMAW, author = {Masud Fazal-Baqaie and Stefan Sauer and Torsten Heuft}, title = {Agile Entwicklung mit On- und Offshore-Partnern – Methodenverbesserung in der Praxis}, journal = {WI-MAW-Rundbrief}, year = {2015}, volume = {21}, number = {1}, pages = {5-13}, month = {April} }
Agile Softwareentwicklungsmethoden erfreuen sich einer steigenden Verbreitung, versprechen sie doch risiko-getrie-ben und leichtgewichtig auch bei sich verändernden Anforderungen gute Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Viele Unternehmen stehen jedoch vor der Herausforderung, agile Prinzipien mit den Gegebenheiten im Unterneh-men zu vereinbaren, z.B. mit den internen Prozessen und organisatori-schen Gegebenheiten. Ein besonders herausforderndes Beispiel ist die Softwareentwicklung in Kooperation mit Offshore-Partnern. Die Auto-ren berichten aus einem laufenden Methodenverbesserungsprojekt für ein Unternehmen der Finanzbranche, das für die Softwareentwicklung mit On- und Offshore-Partnern kooperiert. Anders als bisher soll der indischen Offshore-Partner in naher Zukunft große Softwaressysteme federführend implementieren. Dabei sollen projektindividuell auch Onshore-Partner eingebunden werden. Der Beitrag stellt den systema-tischen Ansatz für die inkrementelle Methodenverbesserung vor, mit dem Varianten einer möglichst agilen Methode definiert werden sollen, die sowohl im Projektumfeld als auch im operativen Tagesgeschäft ef-fektiv und effizient eingesetzt werden können. Die Autoren fassen au-ßerdem die im Rahmen von Interviews erhobenen, bisherigen Erfah-rungen in der Zusammenarbeit mit dem Offshore-Partner zusammen, die für die Methode berücksichtigt werden müssen.
Baris Güldali and Masud Fazal-Baqaie: Skalieren von großen agilen Projekten mit verteilten Backlogs. In OBJEKTspektrum (Online Themenspecials), no. Agility/2015, pp. 1-4 (2015)
Show Bibtex | Show Abstract@article{gf2015, author = {Baris Güldali and Masud Fazal-Baqaie}, title = {Skalieren von großen agilen Projekten mit verteilten Backlogs}, journal = {OBJEKTspektrum (Online Themenspecials)}, year = {2015}, number = {Agility/2015}, pages = {1-4} }
Agile Methoden befürworten selbstorganisierende Teams, die lauffähige Zwischenstände in kurzen Iterationen schrittweise entwickeln. Allerdings besteht in großen, verteilten Projekten mit mehreren Teams die besondere Herausforderung, die Aufgaben entsprechend zu definieren, zu verteilen, zu koordinieren und zu überwachen. Der Artikel beschreibt ein Vorgehen, wie diese Tätigkeiten mittels verteilten Backlogs unterstützt werden können, um den Herausforderungen verteilter Projekte zu begegnen.
Marvin Grieger and Masud Fazal-Baqaie: Towards a Framework for the Modular Construction of Situation-Specific Software Transformation Methods. In Softwaretechnik-Trends, Proceedings of the 17th Workshop Software-Reengineering (WSRE), vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 41-42 (2015)
Show Bibtex@article{GF15WSRE, author = {Marvin Grieger and Masud Fazal-Baqaie}, title = {Towards a Framework for the Modular Construction of Situation-Specific Software Transformation Methods}, journal = {Softwaretechnik-Trends, Proceedings of the 17th Workshop Software-Reengineering (WSRE)}, year = {2015}, volume = {35}, number = {2}, pages = {41-42} }
Marvin Grieger and Masud Fazal-Baqaie and Stefan Sauer and Markus Klenke: A Method to Systematically Improve the Effectiveness and Efficiency of the Semi-Automatic Migration of Legacy Systems. In Softwaretechnik-Trends, Proceedings of the 16th Workshop Software-Reengineering (WSRE), vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 77-78 (2014)
Show Bibtex | URL@article{GFSK14, author = {Marvin Grieger and Masud Fazal-Baqaie and Stefan Sauer and Markus Klenke}, title = {A Method to Systematically Improve the Effectiveness and Efficiency of the Semi-Automatic Migration of Legacy Systems}, journal = {Softwaretechnik-Trends, Proceedings of the 16th Workshop Software-Reengineering (WSRE)}, year = {2014}, volume = {34}, number = {2}, pages = {77-78} }
Masud Fazal-Baqaie and Baris Güldali and Markus Luckey and Stefan Sauer and Michael Spijkerman: Maßgeschneidert und werkzeugunterstützt Entwickeln angepasster Requirements Engineering-Methoden. In OBJEKTspektrum (Online Themenspecials), no. RE/2013, pp. 1-5 (2013)
Show Bibtex | Show Abstract | URL@article{fglss13, author = {Masud Fazal-Baqaie and Baris Güldali and Markus Luckey and Stefan Sauer and Michael Spijkerman}, title = {Maßgeschneidert und werkzeugunterstützt Entwickeln angepasster Requirements Engineering-Methoden}, journal = {OBJEKTspektrum (Online Themenspecials)}, year = {2013}, number = {RE/2013}, pages = {1-5}, month = {June} }
Grundlage für eine erfolgreiche Softwareentwicklung sind gute Anforderungen. Die Vorteile eines systematischen Requirements Engineerings (RE) zur Erhebung und Verwaltung von Anforderungen sind gemeinhin bekannt. Ebenso, dass verschiedenste RE-Techniken genutzt werden können. Doch wie wählt eine Organisation die passenden RE-Techniken aus und kombiniert sie zu einer durchgängigen RE-Methode, die auf die eigenen Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten ist und durch geeignete Werkzeuge unterstützt wird? Dieser Artikel beschreibt die Schritte bei der Entwicklung einer organisationsspezifischen RE-Methode und – am Beispiel des Enterprise Architect – die Anpassung eines RE-Werkzeugs. Wir erläutern unsere Methodik mittels eines Fallbeispiels auf der Grundlage eines unserer Projekte
- Rezensierte Konferenzbeiträge
Marvin Grieger and Masud Fazal-Baqaie and Gregor Engels and Markus Klenke: Concept-Based Engineering of Situation-Specific Migration Methods. In Software Engineering 2017. , pp. 65-66 (2017)
Show Bibtex@inproceedings{GFE+2017, author = {Marvin Grieger and Masud Fazal-Baqaie and Gregor Engels and Markus Klenke}, title = {Concept-Based Engineering of Situation-Specific Migration Methods}, booktitle = {Software Engineering 2017}, year = {2017}, pages = {65-66} }
Masud Fazal-Baqaie and Baris Güldali and Marvin Grieger: Ganzheitliches Qualitätsmanagement in agilen Groß- Projekten. In Proceedings of Projektmanagement und Vorgehensmodelle 2016. Köllen Druck+Verlag GmbH, Bonn, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), pp. 109-120 (2016)
Show Bibtex@inproceedings{FGG2016, author = {Masud Fazal-Baqaie and Baris Güldali and Marvin Grieger}, title = {Ganzheitliches Qualitätsmanagement in agilen Groß- Projekten}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Projektmanagement und Vorgehensmodelle 2016}, year = {2016}, series = {Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI)}, pages = {109-120}, publisher = {Köllen Druck+Verlag GmbH, Bonn} }
Masud Fazal-Baqaie and Frank Kluthe: Automated Quality Analysis of Software Engineering Method Models. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development. SCITEPRESS (2016) (to Appear)
Show Bibtex | Show Abstract@inproceedings{modelward.2016, author = {Masud Fazal-Baqaie and Frank Kluthe}, title = {Automated Quality Analysis of Software Engineering Method Models}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development}, year = {2016}, publisher = {SCITEPRESS}, note = {(to Appear)} }
Following software engineering methods (SEM) that fit to the specific project is seen as a key factor for the resulting quality of software. However, SEMs described in natural language are often ambiguous and lack automated guidance for the team members, causing impediments for the project. Modeling SEMs with formal languages allows to overcome these challenges. The model-based approach Method Engineering with Method Services and Method Patterns (MESP) supports the modeling of enactable SEM models by composing pre-defined building blocks. Up to now, the quality of MESP models had to be checked manually which was tedious and error-prone at times. In this paper, we present an automated design-time quality analysis for MESP SEM models. In particular, our analysis allows to automatically evaluate general quality characteristics relevant to all SEM models as well as quality requirements specified using MESP method patterns. We integrated the quality analysis framework into the MESP Workbench and our evaluation shows that the analysis is fast enough to provide timely feedback even for large SEM models.
Marvin Grieger and Masud Fazal-Baqaie and Gregor Engels and Markus Klenke: Concept-Based Engineering of Situation-Specific Migration Methods. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR). Springer, LNCS, pp. 199-214 (2016)
Show Bibtex | URL@inproceedings{GRI+16ICSR, author = {Marvin Grieger and Masud Fazal-Baqaie and Gregor Engels and Markus Klenke}, title = {Concept-Based Engineering of Situation-Specific Migration Methods}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR)}, year = {2016}, series = {LNCS}, pages = {199-214}, publisher = {Springer} }
Masud Fazal-Baqaie and Marvin Grieger and Stefan Sauer: Tickets without Fine - Artifact-based Synchronization of Globally Distributed Software Development in Practice. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of Product Focused Software Development and Process Improvement (PROFES 2015). Springer, LNCS, vol. 9459, pp. 167-181 (2015)
Show Bibtex | Show Abstract | DOI@inproceedings{PROFES2015, author = {Masud Fazal-Baqaie and Marvin Grieger and Stefan Sauer}, title = {Tickets without Fine - Artifact-based Synchronization of Globally Distributed Software Development in Practice}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of Product Focused Software Development and Process Improvement (PROFES 2015)}, year = {2015}, volume = {9459}, series = {LNCS}, pages = {167-181}, publisher = {Springer} }
Global software development projects are characterized by the collaboration of team members that are distributed among different locations and belong to different organizations. They bear their own specific challenges, especially if combined with an agile approach, so that established development processes might become inappropriate. Based on the experience with a real life industrial project involving organizations from India and Germany, we explain how the systematic design and implementation of an artifact-based and ticket-driven process can foster process conformance, transparency, and communication, and thus help to overcome these challenges.
Masud Fazal-Baqaie and Anu Raninen: Successfully Initiating a Global Software Project. In Industrial Proceedings of the 22nd European Systems Software & Service Process Improvement & Innovation Conference (EuroSPI²2015). WHITEBOX, Denmark, pp. 5.1 - 5.10 (2015)
Show Bibtex | Show Abstract@inproceedings{EuroAsiaSPI2015, author = {Masud Fazal-Baqaie and Anu Raninen}, title = {Successfully Initiating a Global Software Project}, booktitle = {Industrial Proceedings of the 22nd European Systems Software & Service Process Improvement & Innovation Conference (EuroSPI²2015)}, year = {2015}, pages = {5.1 - 5.10}, publisher = {WHITEBOX, Denmark} }
Global software projects involve the collaboration of team members that are distributed among different locations and belong to different organizations. To avoid process-related problems, they require a distributed development process that is tailored to the context of the project. In this paper, we use an industrial global software project of German and Indian organizations as a case study to illustrate the difficulty of timely coming up with a process that covers all necessary areas, that is sufficiently documented, and that is fit for purpose. We propose to tackle these difficulties by defining the distributed development process together with the project team, adopting the LAPPI technique, an approach to collaboratively identify process issues for process improvement. We explain how the approach was successfully applied in the project to derive a distributed development process, where a previous non-interactive attempt failed and propose future extensions to the LAPPI technique.
Masud Fazal-Baqaie and Stefan Sauer and Torsten Heuft: Agile Entwicklung mit On- und Offshore-Partnern – Methodenverbesserung in der Praxis. In Proceedings of Projektmanagement und Vorgehensmodelle 2014. GI, Köllen Druck+Verlag GmbH, Bonn, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), pp. 59-69 (2014)
Show Bibtex | Show Abstract@inproceedings{pvm2014, author = {Masud Fazal-Baqaie and Stefan Sauer and Torsten Heuft}, title = {Agile Entwicklung mit On- und Offshore-Partnern – Methodenverbesserung in der Praxis}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Projektmanagement und Vorgehensmodelle 2014}, year = {2014}, series = {Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI)}, pages = {59-69}, month = {October}, publisher = {GI, Köllen Druck+Verlag GmbH, Bonn} }
Agile Softwareentwicklungsmethoden erfreuen sich einer steigenden Verbreitung, versprechen sie doch risiko-getrie-ben und leichtgewichtig auch bei sich verändernden Anforderungen gute Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Viele Unternehmen stehen jedoch vor der Herausforderung, agile Prinzipien mit den Gegebenheiten im Unterneh-men zu vereinbaren, z.B. mit den internen Prozessen und organisatori-schen Gegebenheiten. Ein besonders herausforderndes Beispiel ist die Softwareentwicklung in Kooperation mit Offshore-Partnern. Die Auto-ren berichten aus einem laufenden Methodenverbesserungsprojekt für ein Unternehmen der Finanzbranche, das für die Softwareentwicklung mit On- und Offshore-Partnern kooperiert. Anders als bisher soll der indischen Offshore-Partner in naher Zukunft große Softwaressysteme federführend implementieren. Dabei sollen projektindividuell auch Onshore-Partner eingebunden werden. Der Beitrag stellt den systema-tischen Ansatz für die inkrementelle Methodenverbesserung vor, mit dem Varianten einer möglichst agilen Methode definiert werden sollen, die sowohl im Projektumfeld als auch im operativen Tagesgeschäft ef-fektiv und effizient eingesetzt werden können. Die Autoren fassen au-ßerdem die im Rahmen von Interviews erhobenen, bisherigen Erfah-rungen in der Zusammenarbeit mit dem Offshore-Partner zusammen, die für die Methode berücksichtigt werden müssen.
Masud Fazal-Baqaie and Christian Gerth and Gregor Engels: Breathing Life into Situational Software Engineering Methods. In In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of Product Focused Software Development and Process Improvement (PROFES 2014). Springer, vol. 8892, pp. 281-284 (2014)
Show Bibtex | Show Abstract@inproceedings{PROFES2014, author = {Masud Fazal-Baqaie and Christian Gerth and Gregor Engels}, title = {Breathing Life into Situational Software Engineering Methods}, booktitle = {In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of Product Focused Software Development and Process Improvement (PROFES 2014)}, year = {2014}, volume = {8892}, pages = {281-284}, publisher = {Springer} }
Software engineering methods are used to prescribe and coordinate the tasks necessary to plan, build, deliver, and maintain software. There is a broad consensus that there is no one-size-fits-all method and that, e.g., agile and plan-driven approaches have to be mixed sometimes, based on the context of a project. Creating these so-called situational methods and assuring that they cover all necessary details consistently is a challenge. There is also the challenge for the project teams to follow methods as prescribed by the method engineer. Our approach supports the creation of consistent situational methods from a repository of pre-existing building blocks. Moreover, we present means to enact these methods with standard BPEL/BPEL4People workflow engines, automating the coordination of tasks and providing guidance for them.
- Rezensierte Workshopbeiträge
Masud Fazal-Baqaie and Markus Luckey and Gregor Engels: Assembly-based Method Engineering with Method Patterns. In Software Engineering 2013 Workshopband. GI, Köllen Druck+Verlag GmbH, Bonn, pp. 435-444 (2013)
Show Bibtex | Show Abstract | URL@inproceedings{fle2013, author = {Masud Fazal-Baqaie and Markus Luckey and Gregor Engels}, title = {Assembly-based Method Engineering with Method Patterns}, booktitle = {Software Engineering 2013 Workshopband}, year = {2013}, pages = {435-444}, publisher = {GI, Köllen Druck+Verlag GmbH, Bonn} }
Software development methods prescribe and coordinate the activities necessary to plan, build, and deliver software. To provide methods that account for the situational context of a development project, e.g., an acquirer-supplier-relationship or specific communication needs, the existing method creation approaches represent a trade-off between flexibility and ease of use. On the side, less flexible configurable methods offer a fixed set of configurations to quickly adapt a method to the situation at hand. On the other side, flexible assembly-based approaches allow creating methods from scratch by combining preexisting building blocks, thus are capable of creating methods not covered by configurations of configurable methods, e.g., a mixture of agile and plan-driven ideas. However, assembly-based approaches are not easy to use and require considerable expert knowledge. In this paper we suggest the use of method patterns during the assembly-based method creation. Method patterns represent desirable principles for the to-be-method and therefore support the right choice and combination of method building blocks, simplifying assembly-based method creation.
- Buchbeiträge
Masud Fazal-Baqaie and Gregor Engels: Software Processes Management by Method Engineering with MESP. In Kuhrmann, M., Rausch, A., Munch, J., Richardson, I., Zhang, J.H. (eds.): Managing Software Process Evolution. pp. 185-209 Springer (2016)
Show Bibtex | DOI@incollection{fazalbaqaieengelsSPM2015, author = {Masud Fazal-Baqaie and Gregor Engels}, title = {Software Processes Management by Method Engineering with MESP}, booktitle = {Managing Software Process Evolution}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2016}, pages = {185-209} }
- Tagungsbände
Projektmanagement und Vorgehensmodelle 2015: Hybride Projektstrukturen erfolgreich umsetzen - Proceedings der gemeinsamen Tagung der Fachgruppen WI-PM und WI-VM im Fachgebiet Wirtschaftsinformatik der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.. In Martin Engstler and Masud Fazal-Baqaie and Eckhart Hanser and Martin Mikusz and Alexander Volland (eds.): Lecture Notes in Informatics , , vol. P-250 GI, Köllen Druck+Verlag GmbH, Bonn (2015)
Show Bibtex@proceedings{PVM2015, editor = {Martin Engstler and Masud Fazal-Baqaie and Eckhart Hanser and Martin Mikusz and Alexander Volland}, title = {Projektmanagement und Vorgehensmodelle 2015: Hybride Projektstrukturen erfolgreich umsetzen - Proceedings der gemeinsamen Tagung der Fachgruppen WI-PM und WI-VM im Fachgebiet Wirtschaftsinformatik der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.}, year = {2015}, volume = {P-250}, series = {Lecture Notes in Informatics}, publisher = {GI, Köllen Druck+Verlag GmbH, Bonn} }
Vorgehensmodelle 2013: Vorgehensmodelle - Anspruch und Wirklichkeit - Proceedings der 20. Tagung der Fachgruppe Vorgehensmodelle im Fachgebiet Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI-VM) der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Lörrach (Germany). In Masud Fazal-Baqaie (eds.): Lecture Notes in Informatics , , vol. P-224 GI, Köllen Druck+Verlag GmbH, Bonn (2013)
Show Bibtex | URL@proceedings{GIVM2013, editor = {Masud Fazal-Baqaie}, title = {Vorgehensmodelle 2013: Vorgehensmodelle - Anspruch und Wirklichkeit - Proceedings der 20. Tagung der Fachgruppe Vorgehensmodelle im Fachgebiet Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI-VM) der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Lörrach (Germany)}, year = {2013}, volume = {P-224}, series = {Lecture Notes in Informatics}, month = {Oktober}, publisher = {GI, Köllen Druck+Verlag GmbH, Bonn} }
- Masterarbeiten
Masud Fazal-Baqaie: Structural Matching of Business Process Models for Change Detection. Type: Master Thesis (2009)
Show Bibtex | Show Abstract@mastersthesis{fazalbaqaie2009a, author = {Masud Fazal-Baqaie}, title = {Structural Matching of Business Process Models for Change Detection}, year = {2009}, month = {November} }
In order to keep their competitive advantage, companies are forced to enhance the capabilities and the exibility of their IT by using Business-driven Development (BDD), a methodology based on the modeling and continuous renement of business processes. One of the problem areas of BDD is the change detection and comparison of business process models, which is necessary to eectively consolidate and synchronize dierent versions of models. Dierences between process models can be computed upon a matching of corresponding elements and process fragments. Creating such a matching is simple if all corresponding elements carry the same unique identiers (IDs). However, in practice this is often not the case. In this thesis a matching algorithm is presented that uses similarity-based matching heuristics to compute a matching between process model elements and fragments in cases of incomplete or missing ID information. The matching heuristics are based on element attributes, connections and containment in process fragments. The algorithm was implemented and an existing process comparison component was extended with it. An evaluation based on industrial reference process models shows that the approach taken here is capable of matching process models in absence of IDs using solely similarity-based matching heuristics.