Design and preparation of engineered photonic crystals fibers with controlled functionality

Institut(e): Institut für Physikalische Hochtechnologie e. V., Jena (IPHT)
Institut für Festkörpertheorie und Theoretische Physik der Universität Jena
Projektleiter: Prof. Dr. Hartmut Bartelt
Tel: +3641 - 206 200
Fax: +3641 - 206 299
Dr. Jens Kobelke
Sekretariat: Vera Bauer
Mitarbeiter: Dr. V. Gerth

Optical fibres are a backbone of modern optoelectronics and telecommunication systems. Thus, their controlled engineering with respect to the optical properties is a primary goal of contemporary research and technology. A novel type of fibres is the so-called photonic crystal fibre (PCF). PCF is a fibre with more or less regularly arranged axial air holes where the very core can be made either from air (photonic band gap fibre) or from host material (holey fibre). These fibres may exhibit various peculiarities attractive for applications. The optical properties of such fibres (modal area, loss, dispersion) have to be modelled as a basis for an experimental realization. In continuation of the previous project period the acquired technological experience will be further optimised and used for realization of more complex core structures. It is intended to investigate modified glass materials and to introduce additional layers of hole structures around the central core region.


Stand: 31. March 2004, by F. Bollin