Photonic structures with III-V-Compunds

Institut(e): Institut für Angewandte Physik der Universität Bonn
Wegelstr. 8
D-53115 Bonn

Tel: +49-228-733475 (Büro) und +49-228-733484 (Labor)
Fax: +49-228-733474

Projektleiter: Prof. Dr. Dieter Meschede
Mitarbeiter: Dr. Ulrich Rasbach
In this research programme we want to investigate whether we can manufacture a photonic crystal from an (InAl)As or equivalent material through direct growth processes. We want to achieve the modulation of the index of refraction through a density modulation of the Indium concentration which is induced by methods of atomic nano-fabrication (ANF). The length scale accessible by this method is 205 nm or longer and corresponds to typical wavelengths ~ 700 nm or longer, i.e. visible to near infrared wavelengths within the material. This method could make the fabrication of III-V semiconductor compounds with 3D modulation of its composition and hence also index of refraction possible. The full 3D modulation capability of this direct deposition method is a unique promise among nanofabrication concepts for opaque materials.


Stand: 20. Februar 2003, by E. Foca