Optical Studies of Functionalised Opal-Based Three-Dimensional Photonic Crystals

Institut(e): University of Wuppertal,   Department of Electrical and Information Engineering,  Institute of Materials Science

Gauss-Str. 20
42097 Wuppertal

Tel.:  +49 - 202 439 3730 (Secretary)
Fax.: +49 - 202 439 3037
Projektleiter: Prof. Dr. Clivia Marfa Sotomayor Torres
Tel.: +49 - 202 439 2920
Dr. Sergei Romanov
Tel.: +49 - 202 439 2232
Sekretariat: Mrs. Renate Gärtig
Tel.: +49 - 202 439 3730
Mitarbeiter: Dr. Patrick Ferrand
Tel.: +49 - 202 439 3727
The main idea of our project is to extend the control on electromagnetic (EM) waves of an arbitrary mode structure in photonic crystals (PhCs) by exploiting the interfaces between PhC of different photonic bandgaps (PBG). The need of re-coupling of the radiation between eigenmodes of different PhCs at interfaces leads to partial localisation the emitted radiation within a certain volume, that is a pre-condition for non-linear processes to be initiated. Different types of opal functionalisation will be explored: multiple layer opals, opals in confined geometries and opals with intentionally introduced 0D, 1D and 3D defects. In particular, we address some aspects of fabrication of hetero-opals as well as EM waves propagation and light emission in heterogeneous PhCs. The templates to be used for fabrication of PhCs are colloidal crystals, which bear a promise to be developed towards omnidirectional PBG using semiconductor-inverted or metallodielectric opals. Material synthesis is to be performed at the Universities of Mainz, Hamburg and Munich, in MPI of Colloidal Sciences (Golm). We are undertaking supply of patterned substrates, sedimentation of PMMA opals on patterned substrates and electron beam lithography. Theoretical support will be provided by the University of Karlsruhe. Physical phenomena to be studied are: localisation of photons, re-coupling of optical modes at photonic crystal interfaces, photon emission under light confinement and ultra-refraction phenomena in transmission, reflectance and emission. Experiments include optical, structural and composition characterisation. Products are understanding of the physical picture and design of heterostructures.


Stand: 20. Februar 2003, by E. Foca